Tag Archives: Prop 15

Survey USA Polling Data on the Props (and LG)

Prop Yes No D/K
13 (seismic retrofit) 46 26 26
14(open primary) 50 28 22
15(fair elections) 29 46 26
16(PG&E protection) 41 45 14
17 (Mercury Ins scheme) 43 39 18
SurveyUSA has released their latest batch of data on the propositions and the LG race.  You can see the polling data on the props to the right.  As you can tell, these are some pretty worrying numbers.  Props 14 and 15 seem to be going the exact opposite of how we would like to see them going.  And 16 and 17 seem to be hovering in that troubling zone. If I had to bet, I would go with both of those failing. But, it’s going to be a long night on those two.’

As for the LG’s race, Newsom and Maldonado have pretty substantial leads there.  On the Democratic side, Newsom leads Hahn 43-27 right now, with 9% going to Eric Korevaar (which will wither by the time we get the results) and 21% undecided. Newsom looks set to pull this one off tomorrow.

On the Republican side, St. Abel leads Sam Aanestad 26-16, with 32% undecided and the rest going to a smattering of other candidates.  Now, thing is here that Aanestad might pick up a lot of last minute support from the far-right.  I think this one is hardly a lock for Maldo, and we might be in for a bit of a surprise here.

So, folks, what this shows me is that every vote is extremely important.  Demand that your friends and family vote!

Clean Money Now

Now that the Supreme Court has apparently decided that the Calitics Editorial Board’s amicus brief wasn’t all that persuasive in Citizens United, corporate money is now more powerful than ever.  Congress has been nibbling around the edges, suggesting some (possibly Constitutional) reforms that would change the way corporations can approve political spending.  However, they have, as of yet, really considered the one, and really only, way to combat the Citizens United decision: a publicly financed campaign system.  Some big donors are asking Speaker Pelosi to reconsider that:

A coalition of the country’s wealthiest and most politically active campaign donors wrote a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, urging her to support campaign reform efforts in the wake of last month’s Supreme Court decision allowing unrestricted corporate spending on elections.

The 57 donors who wrote the letter include members of the influential Democracy Alliance group, which includes a number of prominent Californians. (CA Watch)

Of course, Congress doesn’t really like big changes like this. While they might not like the status quo, it keeps them in power. And while I’m not trying to be cynical, I kind of am.  Pliticians don’t like change that could up-end their strangle hold on power. And frankly, there’s nothing that would increase the options voters get to choose from more than clean money.

Frankly, with Buckley and Citizens United, clean money is the last best hope to regain control of our government from the corporate interests. It is the people’s force for change, more than any one politician, or party. Don’t expect it to come easy, corporate interests are strong in DC.  But we here in California can make a statement for clean money by approving Prop 15, the pilot program for a clean money election system for Secretary of State.