Tag Archives: Gay issues

Valentines Day is about hate

(I meant to post this a few days ago. I think it’s funny, in a sad way. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Randy Thomason, of the anti-gay marriage proposition group voteyesmarriage.com (or as I like to call it: HateMongerers.com), thinks that Valentines Day has been hijacked by EqualityCalifornia:

From Sonoma to San Diego, hundreds of gay and lesbian couples applied for marriage licenses and were turned down as part of a statewide campaign to shine a spotlight on efforts to legalize same-sex marriage.
“Valentine’s Day has been hijacked and that’s wrong,” said Randy Thomasson, who heads the initiative VoteYesMarriage.com. “This is a day about love between a man and a woman. Marriage and Valentine’s Day are both wonderful, good things but they need defense and protection.”(LA Times 2/15/06)

Yes, just like Christmas, Valentine’s Day has been  hijacked.  I always thought that what Valentine’s Day is about is love, pure and simple. I remember in school that we gave out little valentines to everybody.  We didn’t skip one group.  Perhaps Mr. Thmasson should look at our schools for a lesson in Valentines Day and love.