(The PPIC has asummary available on their download page for the report. (Where you can also download the whole report…thanks silence.) – promoted by SFBrianCL)
(cross-posted on DailyKos)
Today we saw two very different reactions to the release of the PPIC poll. We claim it as proof that we have the momentum as we gear up for our big GOTV push. The Governor’s spinmeisters, well, they flipped out…seriously flipped out. Once the numbers leaked they called a press conference intended to get the press to cover the Arnold camp’s internal polling numbers along side the PPIC numbers. It was a desperate ruse to cover their continued assurances that the Governor has some kind of support.
Then, this afternoon Schwarzenegger’s team announced they were putting a new ad in the field. Reversing their earlier decision to pull any and all Arnold ads out of people’s living rooms, the governor faces the camera and essentially apologizes to the people of California for screwing up. Could it be that he really wasn’t the liability people though he was? Naaaw. See, it turns out that the ad will only run for one day. It is just a stunt to draw press attention away from the PPIC numbers. It’s not only a stunt, but a pretty pathetic spot as well. The governor practically begs for our forgiveness and asks Californians to give him another chance. His dream diminishes every time he opens his mouth.
Speaking of the PPIC numbers …
We were being good, and got beaten to the punch by all the newspapers who leaked embargoed PPIC polling report. But, to make up for it, we took the time to give you trend-lines and to include some big picture information on turnout and the election that you will not find in the larger outlets.
First things first, we have made significant gains over the last month, giving us the momentum as we head into the last few days of the campaign. In the end, the only numbers that matter are the ones on November 8th. The race is really tight and will come down to GOTV. That said PPIC shows us winning on Proposition 74, 76 and 77. Prop. 74 is within the margin of error and we are deadlocked at 46% on Prop. 75.
Check out how the poll numbers from the same outlet have evolved over the last three months:
Prop. 74

Prop. 75

Prop. 76

Prop. 77

This poll is one of the first that gets a good sample from people that have had a chance to see the governor’s ads and still the numbers are trending our way. An increasing number of people are tuning in to the election with 81% of likely voters saying “they are closely or somewhat closely following news about the special election, compared to 69 percent in September.” More people are able to identify an initiative they care the most about. This is most likely due to the increase in advertising and permeation throughout the state. Even though more people are tuning in, this does not translate to more support for Schwarzenegger’s positions. There can be no more claims that people just haven’t heard the Governor’s side yet. Simply put it he isn’t convincing and is losing ground.
PPIC points out that it isn’t just a small amount of people paying attention to the election, they now say they are seeing levels of interest reaching the “2002 gubernatorial election, which had a 51% voter turnout” says PPIC survey director Mark Maldassare. That could have huge implications on outcomes, since most experts had been predicting turnouts in the 30s.