You Betcha We Are Alive and Kicking

(cross-posted on the BetterCA blog)

Someone over at the Chamber of Commerce leaked a letter we sent to their chairman and executive committee to the Capitol Weekly (not that we are surprised).  We sent it last week to give the Chamber a stern warning: you mess with us and you get the horns.  The Alliance is sick of the repeated attempts by the Chamber to support people like Lew Uhler and their attempts to shut up the voices of the working people of California.  If they try it again, we can and we will, put a measure on the ballot to restrict corporate donations.

Paulson, head of the state’s firefighter’s union, said he is tired of the “zealots saying we are going to keep bringing this issue up,” after voters turned back a similar initiative, Proposition 226, in 1998 and again this year.

“In [Props.] 226 and 75, we were defending ourselves…If you are going to continue to attack us, then at some point in time we are going to go on the offense,” he said.

You hear that Lew?  We have stopped you twice now, third time is the horns not the charm.  The Chamber and others should keep what we said in mind, especially when it comes to the initiatives filed by Mark Bucher the other day.

Members of the Alliance will be meeting with the several individuals from Chamber over the next few weeks.  We have until December 30th to make a decision on filing the Shareholders Protection Act and rest assured we will have the signatures to do it.  Hopefully, the Chamber will come to their senses and help Californians avoid another needless bloody battle.

Californians know who they trust and it is the teachers, nurses, cops and firefighters.  We don’t need another election to prove it.