(We’ve got a candidate in CA-42. Let’s see if he can qualify for the general. – promoted by SFBrianCL)
***** Cross posted at Daily Kos, MyDD, Our Congress (hopefully LOL), Calitics and My Left Wing!*****
Like many in the progressive blogosphere I was disgruntled (shitty actually) that write in filing had closed in California and we didn’t have a starter in CA-42. I even diaried about it.
So imagine my shock when I scrolled through the Kos diaries and found this unloved and unlamented bombshell. Yep we have a starter and his name is Mark Hull-Richter!!!!
Being a bit skeptical about these things I wandered over to the Californian Secretary of State site to have a gander at the list of Certified Write In candidates and yep Mark is listed.
Below for more………..
Like most of you I know nothing about Mark but so what he is running to get enough write in votes in the primary on June 6th to get on the ballot in November.
His is a steeper challenge than either Tony Barr, Charles Dertinger or Charlie Wilson, but if they could do it so too can Mark Hull-Richter!
Yes he is leaving his run mighty late and yes it is a cheap and nasty campaign website and yes that is one hell of a name to write in and yes he needs 2461 write in votes to get on the ballot in November!!!!
Mark however has three things going in his favour.
1) He is running
2) The progressive blogosphere knows he is running and can get behind him (no not financially).
3) Most importantly he has filed to receive write in votes under a wide variety of spellings of his name go check the Certified Write In list and you will see what I mean.
So come on you lot ring write and email friends and family in CA-42 or better still email Mark and offer an hour or two to ring registered Dems in the district to remind them to vote on Tuesday 6th June and to write in Mark-Hull Richter for the 42nd.
This is the 50 State Strategy in action guys GO TO IT!
Brought to you by the gang from the 50 State Page and of course Barry Welsh. Don’t forget the Welsh campaign meet up in Indianapolis on June 24th.
424 Races filled with a target of 431!