CA-11: Is there a role for the DCCC?

As you may have read in various posts here on Calitics (for example, here and here), Jerry McNerney was not the choice of DCCC and its leader (?) Rahm Emmanuel.  But, in recent days, McNerney has picked up the support of Russ Feingold’s Progressive Patriots PAC and he’s in the DFA’s run off for its grassroots all-star online vote.  But according to Roll Call (Subscription required)

InRoll Call(6/15, Drucker): “Jerry McNerney s (D) victory in California s 11th district primary last week means the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will mostly stay out of the race going forward, though Rep. Richard Pombo [CA-11] still faces the well-funded opposition of the environmental community. McNerney hasn t written off help from the DCCC in the general election even though he handily dispatched Steve Filson, the committee s endorsed candidate, in the June 6 primary. McNerney, a wind turbine manufacturer, is trying to schedule a meeting with DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.) for next week when he s in Washington, D.C. But a Democratic strategist close to the DCCC doesn t expect those meetings to lead to the committee getting heavily involved in the campaign. That s not surprising considering the DCCC, believing that the liberal McNerney is unelectable in the GOP district by virtue of his shellacking by Pombo in 2004, took the unusual step of endorsing in a primary even naming Filson to its ‘Red to Blue’ fundraising program. … DCCC leaders originally tried to recruit moderate Democratic state Sen. Michael Machado into the race but were rebuffed, leading them to Filson, an airline pilot and military veteran.” (Roll Call 6/15/06) (Subscription required)

Nope, the DCCC wouldn’t want to support a solid progressive candidate that would dare to actually stand up for what he believes in, and is comfortable talking abou the situation in Iraq.  That’s because Jerry McNerney hasn’t shown the kind of electability that Steve Filson did.  Oh right, Filson has never won any elections.  But that being said, Defenders of Wildlife did a poll showing Pombo trailing both candidates; McNerney’s lead was 46%-42%.  And while that is within the survey’s MoE of 4.9%, isn’t this race a worthwhile investment?

I think this is a winnable election. Given that a large chunk of money that the DCCC raises is from Northern California, perhaps it would be a good idea to invest some of that back in the region.

CA-41: Jerry Lewis in an ever-expanding controversy

Jerry Lewis’ big patron has broken up! The lobbying firm of Copeland, Lowery, Jacquez, Denton & White will be breaking up along party lines:

The lobbying firm whose ties to Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Redlands, are under investigation announced Friday it is splitting into two groups.

The three Republican named partners – including Lewis’ friend and former California congressman Bill Lowery – will continue to lead the existing firm, while the two Democratic partners will form a separate partnership.

A statement from Copeland, Lower [sic], Jacquez, Denton & White attributed the decision to “the current media focus on the firm.” (S.D. U-T 6/16/06)

Well, that sound you are hearing must be Jerry Lewis’ heart breaking.  The incestuous relationship between Lewis and former Rep. Bill Lowery has caused some to subtly hint that this could be far worse and far-reaching than the Duke Cunningham case.  Of course, Lewis and Cunningham can’t really be separated.  They are truly two parts of the same illegal scheme.  The Duke-stir just wasn’t soooo clever.  He just took cash and stuff directly.  Lewis has his good friend Lowery pick it up and distribute it out to his entourage.  As Howie Klein describes it:

So how has Lewis been getting his slimy mitts on the dough? It’s not that complicated. His closest crony, a former fellow-corrupt Southern California congressman, Bill Lowery– like Lewis, an extremely hypocritical right wing maniac– is Lewis’ bagman. You want to buy an earmark, you pay Lowery. Then Lowery kicks back to Lewis and his family members. Very simple. Lowery’s Inside-the-Beltway lobbying firm, with a well-known, and well-deserved, reputation for being able deliver whatever its clients need from the Appropriations Committee, is called Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & White. (Down with Tyranny 6/18/06)

This district is a highly conservative one, so I’m not expecting any miracles.  What I am expecting is an arrest and conviction of man who is plundering our government for his own personal uses.  For more on Lewis’ situation, keep an eye on Down with Tyranny.