(By the way, courtesy of Brown’s website, we have some internal polling data that shows Doolittle up by only 2 points(41-39), well within the margin. Give Charlie some support, this is a winnable race. Volunteer here or donate here. – promoted by SFBrianCL)
In what will hopefully be a major domino in the tide that will wash the corrupt John Doolittle out of office in CA-04, the Sacramento Bee has endorsed the Democratic candidate Charlie Brown.
The nation’s Capitol needs a shake-up.
Congressional Republicans have been corrupted by a decade of power. They have been in charge during a war in Iraq that drags on and a buildup of deficits and debt. Democrats have not provided an effective opposition.
Congress needs fresh faces. In California’s 4th Congressional District, it’s time to replace 16-year incumbent John Doolittle, R-Roseville, and send Democrat Charlie Brown of Roseville to Congress….Doolittle is emblematic of what’s wrong in Washington — all-too-cozy relations among lobbyists, politicians, their spouses and staffers. … Doolittle and his wife are caught up in a troubling web of relationships. (SacBee 9/17/06)
Doolittle, the 13-term Republican representative, has been embroiled in scandal. Besides the Abramoff scandal, which recently brought down Ohio Republican powerhouse Bob Ney, Doolittle has been criticized for his practice of giving 15% of his campaign contributions to his wife for “raising them”. Of course, in California due to community property laws, that money is equally is his own. Does that seem right that a candidate takes money from his own contributions?
Of course, the scandal doesn’t end there. Doolittle has also been involved with Duke Cunningham’s good buddy Brent Wilkes. Doolittle won Wilkes contracts worth approximately $37 million.
Unlike Doolittle, Brown is speaking honestly with the people of the fourth. He is for a phased Iraq redeployment (basically the Murtha plan) and more accurately reflects the values of the District. His military and police background are a natural fit for this district, which runs from the Sacramento suburbs up to the Tahoe area. Of course, Charlie is on the Calitics ActBlue page. I’ll just let the Bee take this one home:
Doolittle is in trouble, but Brown needs money to trumpet his message in this large district.
Doolittle has a legacy of money and influence-peddling that has left the nation with unbalanced budgets, ballooning earmarks and a mess in Iraq. Brown has a lifelong commitment to public service. The choice is clear. Elect Charlie Brown. (SacBee 9/17/06)