CA-04 Poll: Taken BEFORE the debate

Constituent Dynamics has released a poll showing 15% Doolittle up by 8 points over Charlie Brown (52-44). You can get full cross-tabs here.  Constituent Dynamics polled 65 top races.  Note that CA-11 was not polled, so we are still left with no independent poll there.

Obviously, we’d all like this to be a bit closer, but this is not discouraging.  In 2002 and 2004, Doolittle won by about 25 points.  Brown has over 3 weeks to convince 6% of the voters to switch to him.  Hey folks, it’s possible. You can give him a few bucks at the Calitics ActBlue page or go help him out at Charile Brown for Congress.

Action Item: Sacramento Local TV station hires ex-Arnold spokesman as “non-partisan” analyst

Julia at ABC points us to a major conflict of interest::

Rob Stutzman, Arnold’s former spokesman and one of the key players in the disastrous special election has just been hired by Channel 13, the local CBS station in Sacramento. He is being labeled as a “non-partisan” political analyst, appearing with no counterpart. Despite earning $10,000 a month from the California Republican Party, Channel 13 believes he will give a balanced view of politics. This is outrageous.

Here is their contact info. Let them know that this is not right.

Email Bruno Cohen, Channel 13’s President and General Manager: [email protected]
Give the administrative offices a call:
Here is their fax number:
916-374-1304 Fax

Bill Clinton In LA On Friday To Campaign For Prop 87

(Some edits – promoted by SFBrianCL)

(Cross-posted from The Courage Campaign)

Bill Clinton is coming to town tomorrow to campaign for Proposition 87. He'll be appearing at the Murphy Sculpture Garden at UCLA at 9:15am for a rally.

Get your ticket HERE.

Clinton is very supportive of prop 87:

“[The Clinton Global Initiative] was designed to tackle big global challenges in bite size pieces,” President Clinton said. “This is a very, very good thing to do and, since California is our biggest state, it pumps 190 million tons of pollution into the air from cars, trucks and buses that run on gasoline and diesel every single year. This is a big deal. I’m very grateful to them.” (Prop 87 Blog)

Odds and ends 10/12/06

Today’s little wrap from my scouring of the Internets

  • Charlie Brown performed VERY admirably in the CA-04 debate last night.  Doolittle looked like a petulant baby, using tired “liberal” attack lines, and doing nothing to counter the charges that he and his wife are corrupt. You can watch clips from the debate on KCRA here.  You’ll need to search for Doolittle.  I have not been able to find a stored copy of the entire debate.
  • Claude Parrish doesn’t like paying his bills (Political Muscle).  Apparently Parrish decided that he didn’t want to pay for the Mercedes he bought in the 80s.  When the repo man came to take it away, Parrish hid the car, removed the license plate, used walkie-talkies with his neighbors to rat on the repo man, and drove the car at high speed to avoid reposession.  Hmm, seems like a great man to have responsible for the state’s money.  Well, I guess that ends Parrish’s “comeback” attempt.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger went on the Tonight Show last night, and there are still no plans to grant equal time to Phil Angelides.  Leno said it was going to be a straight news interview. Hmm…well, a lot of jokes there.  It’s amazing that NBC is claiming that the Tonight Show was a news program.  Whaaaat?  Well, you can still [send NBC a letter about it here]. Or you can sign up for Angelides text messages here, and unlike the good folks at JoinArnold, they won’t charge you $2.50 for the privilige.  Also, if you’ve already sent NBC a letter, consider forwarding the request on here.
  • Mary Bono must be realizing that this won’t all be so easy this year in the election against David Roth.  She’s bringing in the big guns.  No, not Shrub…he’s hardly a big gun these days is he.  No, John McCain was in the district yesterday to raise some cash for Bono.  Maybe she’ll keep a few bucks for herself, so, you know, she won’t starve on that Congressional salary that she’s forced to subsist on.

CA-50:Another Crook: Bilbray being investigated by Grand Jury

(Welcome dKos readers. You can throw Busby some cash at our ActBlue Page. From one crook to another…sheesh. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Brian Bilbray has been very quiet recently. Yeah, he’s heavily favored in CA-50 in the rematch with Francine Busby, but still you’d think he’d show up somewhere, anywhere in his district.  But, according to Words Have Power, he’s been hiding out.  He’s not been updating his web site, and he failed to show up at an AARP-sponsored debate. Strange.

Or maybe not so strange. According to the San Diego County Democratic Party, Bilbray is being investigated a grand jury impaneled by the District Attorney.  Follow me over the flip.

From the very beginning, there were questions as to where Mr. Bilbray lives.  We all know that. But he swore, under the penalty of perjury, that he had multiple primary residences.  One of which, was his mother’s address in North (San Diego) County. Well, more from the party:

We’ve recently heard reports that the San Diego District Attorney’s Office has impaneled a Grand Jury to investigate our complaint.

The Democratic Party had asked whether Bilbray’s sworn claims of multiple primary residences amounted to perjury or voter fraud. If our concerns are substantiated, it would appear that Bilbray broke the law in the very district whose past representative is now in federal prison for betraying the public’s trust.
Our original letter to the San Diego District Attorney (5/17/06) refers to Bilbray’s signed voter registration — days after the Cunningham story broke — declaring a Carlsbad address to be his “residence and domicile” under penalty of perjury (6/21/05).

Less than two months after re-registering, he signed a new deed of trust for his home in Alexandria, Virginia (8/25/05). He did not indicate that the home was anything other than his “principal residence,” which the deed would have explicitly forbidden.

In December of 2005, Bilbray’s children testified under oath that they lived in Virginia with their father. The context was a lawsuit in which Bilbray claimed his children were out-of-state residents who deserved to pay the same tuition as undocumented immigrants who lived in-state. A few months later, he signed a formal declaration of candidacy to run for Congress (2/23/06), citing his mother’s house on Unicornio Street in Carlsbad as his residence.

Throughout this entire period, he was receiving a homeowner’s tax exemption on his property in South County’s Imperial Beach, where neighbors had spotted him in the community ever since he began to run for the North County seat.(SD Cty. Dem. Party)

So, what’s that 3 “primary residences” ? One of which, and the residences where his children were living, was in Virginia.  You know, where he was a lobbyist. Oh, and residency requirements include…well…actually living in the state.

So, CA-50 has gone from a crook who received bribes for his votes to a perjurer .  Wow, that’s a huge step up.

Oh and Words Have Power is reporting that he is scheduled (since 9/26) to appear at a Chamber of Commerce event. Follow this Words Have Power link for more info and to get the information to attend.  If you live in the S.D. area, please do so.  You think he’ll answer any questions about the grand jury?

CA-Gov: Unwelcome advice

I’ve made a few remarks about Arnold’s “assimilation” comments, but Ruben Navarette says it a lot better than me. The column is simply brilliant.  He says that Arnold’s comments are:

• Inaccurate because Mexicans do assimilate. A recent study found that, by the second generation, English is dominant for children of Mexican immigrants. By the third generation, only 17 percent still speak fluent Spanish. In the fourth generation, it’s 5 percent.

• Impolite because it’s never a good idea to compare one group to another. Schwarzenegger contrasted Mexicans to Asians, whom he called a “hardworking people … making great contributions.” Imagine if the governor used an event for Jews to criticize African Americans.

• Inconsistent because the governor was, after all, in Chinatown to attend a celebration of something called the Moon Festival, a fall holiday in Asian culture, and promote a new law to study the effects of relaxing health standards for ethnic foods. And he touts assimilation?

• Imprudent because issues of language and assimilation represent delicate territory where it’s best not to charge in without reflection and restraint. Schwarzenegger’s comments showed little of neither.

• Insincere because Mr. Assimilation’s own campaign Web site,, has a feature where you can hit a button to read the site en español. Que pasa, Arnold? I thought you wanted folks to learn English. Why cater to them in Spanish?

• And incomplete because this line about how Americans will “embrace” Mexicans if they do X, Y and Z only perpetuates the notion that — to the degree that Mexicans aren’t embraced now — it’s their own fault. Never mind racism, discrimination or fear.

Schwarzenegger’s mistake was assuming that this was some revolutionary idea that Mexicans and Mexican Americans need to be sold on. They don’t. They’ve already bought in. And one would like to think the immigrant governor of the most diverse state in the country would know that. (SacBee 10/11/06)

Why this story hasn’t received more traction is really beyond me.  This is the Governor of our state telling a very large voting bloc that they don’t speak English well enough. Does anybody understand that? That a sitting governor is completely stereotyping an entire people! That he ignores racial factors and brag that he is better than Mexicans. That he ignores the fact that he was being paid from the moment he landed on American soil that enabled him to succeed. Is anybody doing that with all those “Mexicans” that he is challenging?

Do you think Jay Leno will be asking him about this?

In case you haven’t seen the video, I’ve posted it at Tracking Arnold and the YouTube video is over the flip.

CA-45: David Roth on Firedoglake’s Blue America series

Oops, I guess I missed it by a few minutes, but you can see the “transcript” and more info on Roth at FireDogLake.  David is running in the Plam Springs area against Mary Bono, she of no qualifications other than she was formerly married to the now deceased Sonny Bono. (who himself really didn’t have much in the way of qualifications, but I can cut him some slack b/c he was mayor of Palm Springs).  Check out the comments in the diary for the actual chat.