Sorry for the absence

I know Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t miss me, but I apologize to everybody around here.  I had to attend a funeral in Chicago for my grandmother, and I really appreciate everybody that has taken the opportunity to post on the front page.  We now have a small army of users who have front page posting privileges. (If you want them, and have a posted a few diaries in the past, let me know.  You might already have them too.  Look for a little check box in “other options” when posting a new diary)

I will be quite busy this week, so my posting will be sporadic.  However, I hope to get back in the swing of things as the Legislature comes back into session.

CDP Party Line Blog

(Let’s get some discussion going about the CDP’s online presence. It’s surely an area where we can provide the most immediate positive influence. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

On February 1, 2006 the CDP relaunched the Party Line blog by announcing that it would be a place where, “CDP staff members will blog about the inner workings of the party while contributing their perspectives of the events that occur in California and the United States.”

In the ten months since then, there was a primary election, a general election, and 201 posts on the Party Line. As part of the ongoing discussion about CDP resource allocation, I’ve charted the number of posts per month.

California Democratic Party blog posts

What are your thoughts about the Party Line to-date?

What would you suggest to the CDP for the 2008 cycle?