(I suppose I should have mentioned that this was written by Betsy at BlueNC. The biographical details are hers. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)
<b>Brian's late edit:</b> Thanks to Betsy from BlueNC for doing this.
We're down to the final days before the North Carolina and Indiana primaries. We have a complete primer on the North Carolina primary process posted at BlueNC.
In North Carolina the excitement has spilled over to the down ballot races. It's the biggest year I can remember in my voting life. I was 14 the last time North Carolina had a say in who would be the Democratic nominee. I'm almost 46. At this rate it may never happen again in my life, so I'm enjoying every minute of it. I can even get past the negative ads so that I can celebrate the unprecedented voter registration numbers and so that I'm prepared to help the other North Carolina races take advantage of the organization efforts once all eyes are on to the next state.
On to the roundup:
Iowa demoinesdem has taken to providing a "McCain Shameful Behavior Roundup" to help us keep track of the myriad reasons not to vote for him
Wisconsin Uppity Wisconsin traces the history and legacy of Earth Day and its founder, Sen. Gaylord Nelson
New Mexico The Center for Independent Media launched the New Mexico Independent with FBIHOP's own Matthew Reichbach as a writer for the new online news source.
Texas elects its judges, which can lead to a whole mess of issues. Texas Kaos traces one of those issues related to campaign contributions in Connecting the Dots-Texas Justice Edition.
Alabama Homewood Alabama Mayor unilaterally decided to give John McCain's campaign an 80% discount on room rental for a fundraiser and provided free inmate labor for setup. Previously, a Homewood citizen was required to pay the full charge for the room to host a Democratic event there.
South Dakota Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are turning their attention to the South Dakota primary on June 3.
Texas Burnt Orange Report, having just celebrated its 5th Anniversary as a blog, is a member of the Texas Blog PAC which just endorsed its first candidate with a $5000 check.
California The Budget Deficit is growing, it's now at $10 Billion.
Arizona Bob Lord, challenging John Shadegg in AZ CD-3, practices what he preaches with solar polar
North Carolina BlueNC favorite Larry Kissell is featured in a well-written article in The Nation magazine while despicable Patrick McHenry is featured in Roll Call as having paid for an employee's legal defense out of his leadership PAC. His offense? Voter Fraud.
West Virginia At West Virginia Blue Clem outlines why Obama is the best candidate for West Virginia and for America.
Indiana Indiana Blue gives us a rundown on delegate math – the Indiana and Guam editions.
Vermont Vermont's latest attempt at campaign finance reform goes down in defeat.
North Dakota They are seeing double in North Dakota….or at least they're trying to.
Ohio Zack Space has a little more job security.
Michigan At Michigan Liberal, Perfectstormer decides that being out is better than being silent. Bravo.