Tom Campbell has been getting a lot of favorable media coverage for being the supposedly moderate candidate in the Republican field. But his May 19 endorsements strike me as a rather right-wing stance and ought to call into question his claims to being a “moderate”.
Campbell argues for yes on all the initiatives except 1B and 1C, which he opposes. That’s not an inherently conservative position to take. But it’s the reasons he gives that suggest Campbell is very much a right-winger. Specifically, he firmly believes government spending is a problem and that in a severe recession, that spending ought to be cut, Keynes and historical fact be damned. For example, his argument in favor of Prop 1A:
This creates a real rainy day fund, and constrains the growth of state spending… This is almost as good as Prop. 76, the legislative version of which I authored, that cut spending across-the-board when revenue fell. The public employee unions defeated Prop. 76, but the Governor negotiated with them to hold off criticizing 1A; so this has a real chance of passage.
Prop 76 was the hard spending cap Arnold backed in 2005, and was soundly rejected by the voters. That Campbell, who knows Prop 76 well, sees 1A as “almost as good” should be troubling to any progressive considering backing Prop 1A.
Campbell’s desire to attack public spending comes out in his endorsement against Prop 1B:
No one wants to see fewer resources for schools, but more money does not guarantee better performance either. The key to my recommending NO is that in a tough economic environment, all state spending should be on the block. Indeed, in Prop. 76, of which I was the chair, automatic across-the-board cuts went into effect when revenue dropped by as little as 1% in any given quarter. We’re all in this together, schools too.
A progressive case against Prop 1B can be made. But this isn’t it. Campbell’s criticism of Prop 1B is insidious. He denies that public schools are getting destroyed by the budget cuts, which are going to make it impossible to provide students with a quality education. Further, he believes that cuts are a wise move no matter their effect – cuts for cuts’ sake. This should not inspire confidence in his potential leadership skills. I’m genuinely curious to see how California’s economy can recover without restoring the education cuts. That’s not to say Prop 1B will actually restore those cuts, but it’s clear Campbell believes that teachers should be fired.
His endorsements for 1D and 1E are of the same attitude – in a crisis, we must cut. It’s a recipe for ruin, sending California into a death spiral that our economy might never recover from. His opposition to 1C is a more philosophical opposition to using a lottery at all to fund public services, but that doesn’t change the overall right-wing thrust of his May 19 positions.
One would hope that this would end the lie that Campbell is some kind of moderate Republican. He isn’t. He’s not a knuckle-dragger, but as these endorsements make clear, he is very much a conservative Republican when it comes to government services. And in this economic climate, that’s all you need to be a right-winger.
is the new “Let them eat cake.”
There I am at my favorite watering hole. An upscale bar/restaurant, entrees $15 to $25, and the a guy I’ve never seen before is talking to the floor manager at the bar. I and the floor manager are on good terms since I’m in this place a lot.
The conversation between these two concludes and the newbie starts talking to me. People do this all the time which is odd since I am not Mr. Congenial at first glance.
In the next hour I find out that this guy who is in sales cannot make his house payments anymore since business is off 50 to 60%….
He’s recently divorced and his wife moved out and met someone else already…
He called his mortgage company but since he’s not actually late yet they will not discuss a ‘workout’. I know from experience that no bank will offer any relief in the form of a ‘workout’, reduce payments or a suspension of payments, no way Jose. They are all about foreclosure.
Okay so he’s in a bind but then…
He starts talking about his kids.
Two boys in the same middle school. You see the school prepares homework packages for the boys to take home almost every night; but…
The packages, which are basically instructions for each students lessons, are unreadable as the school’s copier is….
… worn out as a Republican’s soul.
My new acquaintance has gone down to the school and met with the Principal who told him that a new copier had been on order until…
….orders to ‘tighten up…’ expenses came down and it was scratched.
This guy, not a quitter he, visits one of his clients who owns several copier stores and asks same if he would donate a copier to the school. ‘Sure, pal! I can do that.’ sez Mr. Copier.
The copier he donates, in the expectation of a tax deduction is worn out also.
Just one more sad story from the millions of CA citizens whose government has failed them and whose fellow citizens are no better than scum.
All courtesy of forty years of ‘conservative’ ReichWing brainwashing whose goal has been reached.
The reduction of the citizenry to serfdom. A serfdom which alienates each citizen from his fellows in a living hell of Darwinian Capitalism. It’s ‘dog eat dog’ for ya now pal. No ‘Great Society’, no ‘Ask not what you can do for…’ just a cheap imitation of Soylent Green. A serfdom whose ultimate goal is an ignorant, docile populace of Debt Slaves who will do whatever is required to support the Corporate Slave State.
Will this plan work?
Looks like it’s doing the job so far. Although even Obama knows we are near the edge as he told a crookedness of bankers the other day that, ‘We (the Obama administration) are the only thing between you and the pitchforks.
I’m just really, really glad I don’t have kids.
I do have a pitchfork though.