I am both surprised and heartened to see DFA send their members in California information about the race for Controller of the California Democratic Party. Simply put, this is not a front-burner issue for most progressives, especially those not at the activist level inside the Party. But it’s no less important, and in fact reforming the party and making it more attentive to grassroots concerns is paramount if we want to get back to leading the nation instead of lagging behind it. Let me reprint some of the email they sent to their supporters today:
Did you know DFA members first proposed a 58 County Plan to the California Democratic Party (CDP) four years ago? It’s true and DFA members have worked hard to help make that commitment a reality.
This month, you have the power to make sure the 58 County Strategy is supported at the top level of the California Democratic Party.
The CDP elects officers on April 25th. DFA members told us months ago about a great grassroots activist running for Party Controller. We’ve followed the campaign, met the candidate and it’s clear that one candidate has earned our unified support.
I’m excited to announce DFA’s endorsement of Hilary Crosby for Controller of the California Democratic Party. Only delegates to the CDP can vote, but any DFA member can help Hillary win by making a few calls to delegates or contributing to her campaign.
We’re talking about a grassroots movement to elect the Controller of the state party. Crosby’s participation at the officer level of the CDP would be a sea change, a real difference-maker in terms of having a voice committed to the 58-county strategy at the table, and willing to follow up with action instead of words. The proof of the past two cycles signals the need for a broader strategy inside the party to win contested seats. And just the model for getting her elected – through a grassroots GOTV process – makes me hopeful that she gets it, and has the right allies to bring about change within the state.
Speaking for myself, I enthusiastically support this effort to help elect Hillary Crosby, in both form and function.
With all of the other CDP office elections seemingly all but decided…the race for Controller will be a true test of the Progressive Slate.
Let’s go Hilary!
While Eric Bradley has robocalls going out touting other people’s endorsements, she personally emailed me. I’m just a 19-year-old delegate, not a big power broker who can swing numerous votes her way, but she was still responsive to my concerns. That’s exactly what we need in the CDP’s leadership–people who talk with, not at, the grassroots of the Party, and I’ll be proud to cast my vote for her.
Couldn’t agree more with everything you said.
and not just because I’m helping Hil with the campaign.
As a DFAer from back in the day, and one of the people who brought the 58 County Plan to Art Torres in 2004, I’m super excited we have such a very fine candidate in Hilary. In addition to her great qualifications and grassroots cred, she’s just a really wonderful person as well – an asset for the CDP in every way. When she wins and the old guard gets to know her better, they will love her too, I have no doubt.
I’ve listened to both candidates several times now and really can’t understand more than three sentences of Hillary’s entire speech. I’m not sure she is ready for prime time though she is certainly enthusiastic and has motivated a large group of people. Eric on the other hand has years of proven grassroots experience and hands on working knowledge of what it takes for the Party to succeed. He is a warrior for labor candidates and one of the best Democratic leaders in the Greater Long Beach/Los Angeles area. I hope you’ll objectively look at both candidates and decide who would be best for helping our Party succeed.