Cross posted at OC Progressive.
Fixing the State Democratic Party is high on the list of many Democratic activists who were outraged when the State Party gave former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez $4 million and then turned around and gave State Senate Leader Don Perata $250,000 for legal fees related to an FBI corruption investigation.
Now Democratic State Party Controller Eric Bradley, who is running for re-election, Assemblyman Hector De La Torre and CDP vice-chair Alex Rooker have taken a stand, and want to prevent questionable expenditures from the CDP. They are sponsoring a resolution that says, in part:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the California Democratic Party supports common sense reforms that will bring greater trust and confidence in its ability to raise funds for campaign activities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the California Democratic Party should approve reforms that prevent money transfers to termed-out officeholders or their affiliated political committees, and that Party monies and resources should be used only on party building activities and direct campaign support for candidates or ballot measures in each campaign cycle.
They’ve created a website, and are asking delegates to sign up and support the resolution.
Eric Bradley was also endorsed by State Controller John Chiang, in a letter I received in the mail today. Here’s what he says about Eric:
“I know better than anyone how difficult the job of Controller can be. That’s why I respect the job Eric is doing and endorse him for re-election. The job of Controller isn’t just about counting money. It is about coordinating the the fundraising and financial efforts of our party, and marshalling them to elect Democrats.”
And now, here’s what I have to say about Eric Bradley. Eric has extensive fundraising experience throughout the state, in the big counties where it counts. He is a progressive and he has come out firmly for reform within the party.
More than that, Eric was with us here in Orange County, when Debbie Cook ran for Congress. Much of her territory was in Long Beach, in Los Angeles County. Eric’s Long Beach roots and connections helped her campaign tremendously there and were a factor in a Democrat winning the Long Beach portion of the 46th District for the first time. Eric was there offering support every step of the way. He’s a true grassroots leader.
I’m supporting Eric Bradley for re-election as Democratic Party Controller.
This is interesting.
There are thousands of people in our Party who have been watching the money flow and want to do something about it. A couple people have tried to grandstand on the issue, suggesting that a vote for them would fix it all – but this is the first concrete thing that anyone has put together. Not sure if it will fly at the convention, but it has the right tone.
Eric is a good Democrat and a key part our Democratic Party leadership. I was upset about the money transfers, but I don’t blame him for these money transfers any more than I credit him with the election of Barack Obama.
The problems with Party finances must be solved by the Chair or this way – through a rules change passed by the Delegates.
I believe Eric Bradley is the best candidate for CDP Controller. He has performed his duties well and with dilligence. He is realistic about the job!
When running for office, it is important to know what the job is and what are the limits of the job. And of course it is important to do the job once elected and Eric has done exactly that.
I am impressed with the Resolution, the thoughtfulness behind it and the possibilities it presents.
I am casting my vote for Eric and hope you will also.
Agi Kessler
…nuff said, no?
Eric held a ten minute Finance Committee public meeting.
Eric tolerated the recent party shenanigans without murmur.
This resolution doesn’t pass the sniff test for allowance onto the floor and will be ruled out of order.
A bit late to the party…
I would oppose any and all incumbent officers and “insiders”. They have failed the party. Eric Bradley is incumbent … QED.
Eric Bradley has done a great job as Democratic Party controller. He has helped to raise a record amount of money over the last four years to help elect Democrats, and he is leading the effort to reform Party finance rules.
Bradley should be elected to another term.
Sheldon Kadish
Is there a reason you’re troll-rating non-trollish comments by people who disagree with you?