Let’s Talk About May 19 – And What To Do On May 20

We’ve had a lot of discussion about the May 19 special election here at Calitics. Now it’s time to bring that to the California progressive rank and file. The Courage Campaign (where I work as Public Policy Director) is going to host a Courage Campaign Conversation Thursday evening at 5pm to discuss the initiatives, why they’re not likely to solve the core problems our state faces, and what some long-term structural reforms and budget solutions might look like.

Joining us on the call is Jean Ross of the California Budget Project, Anthony Wright of Health Access California, and Dennis Smith of the California Federation of Teachers.

The Courage Campaign believes that the special election will be a turning point for California. Either we will start down the path of progressive change, overcoming our economic crisis and solving our state’s ongoing budget crisis — or we will give in to Republican extortion and approve conservative limits on our collective ability to provide public services.

You can RSVP to the call here. Over the flip is the email we sent to our members about the call.

Dear Robert,

On May 19, you will be asked to decide California’s future. Are you ready?

Next month’s special election will be a turning point for California. Either we will start down the path of progressive change, overcoming our economic crisis and solving our state’s ongoing budget crisis — or we will give in to Republican extortion and approve conservative limits on our collective ability to provide public services.

Republican leadership exploited the rule requiring a 2/3rds vote to hold the state hostage and block the budget in February. To resolve the stalemate, Democrats agreed to put six initiatives on the May 19 special election ballot that could hurt progressive causes and values. Now Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders in both parties want you to approve these initiatives, even though they won’t provide the change California needs.

What will the Courage Campaign do? That’s ultimately up to you.

Because the Courage Campaign is powered by more than 700,000 members like you, we’re placing the final decision in your hands. This Thursday, we’ll send you an email asking you to vote on each of the propositions on the May 19 ballot — and we’ll provide you with our staff recommendations for your consideration before you vote.

On Tuesday, April 28, we’ll announce the final results of your vote when we send you the Courage Campaign’s Progressive Voter Guide.

But first, we want to give you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the May 19 special election with the Courage Campaign community.

That’s why we’ve invited three of California’s leading progressive advocates to a special Courage Campaign Conversation conference call this Thursday, April 23, at 5 p.m. Space is limited, so please RSVP now:


Our guests on this special Courage Campaign Conversation will be:

• Jean Ross of the California Budget Project, an advocate for fair budget solutions

• Anthony Wright of Health Access California, a passionate leader for health care reform

• Dennis Smith, Secretary-Treasurer of the California Federation of Teachers and an advocate for California’s schools

No matter what happens on May 19, we will be confronted with an enormous budget deficit on May 20. And the legislature will have to try again to fix the mess.

Now is the time to push for truly progressive solutions to California’s problems — solutions that we think will actually fix the budget mess:

• Following President Obama’s lead in seeking new revenues from the wealthy to fund the vital and accountable services needed by the poor and middle-class.

• Eliminating the conservative veto by repealing the 2/3rds rule in the legislature to pass a budget.

• Holding a Constitutional Convention to address the flaws in the budgeting and initiative process that helped create this crisis.

Jean Ross, Anthony Wright and Dennis Smith also have their own ideas for reforming California, which they’ll share on Thursday at 5 p.m. in this special Courage Campaign Conversation. We have a limited number of lines available, so click here to reserve your spot:


We can’t wait to join you and California’s leading progressive advocates for change on Thursday night.

Rick Jacobs

Chair, Courage Campaign