A Generic “What to Watch For” Story

This is a work in progress, and I’ll be adding to it for the next few minutes. You can watch a live stream at the CDP’s website.

After finally leaving the marathon resolutions committee meeting, I was finally able to check into my hotel room.  I literally spent the entire of the afternoon in meetings, from 12:30 to 10:30. Without a break.  The CDP is the new sweatshop, where’s my shop steward? When “The Man” finally closed the resos meeting, I made my way to the evening of parties that you see at these things.

Anyway, today is the day for the Gov’s race.  Specifically, AG Jerry Brown will speak near the beginning of the slate, while SF Mayor Gavin Newsom will speak a few speakers behind him.  LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was scheduled to speak as well, but recently cancelled. The official reason was that he was too busy with city business, the political reason seems to be that he couldn’t compete with the efforts of Mssrs. Newsom and Brown. As Dave mentioned yesterday, Newsom’s contingent is out in force.  They have the signs out in the streets as the delegates enter, they have hordes of fawning teenagers following him around the hall.  It’s a good day to be Gavin Newsom. Oh, and Jack O’Connell is speaking.

A full lineup of speakers is over the flip, and you can watch a live stream at the CDP’s website.

Outside of the main session, there a few things to watch.  If you are a fan of crazy SF politics, I highly recommend the regional director race between SF Supervisor Chris Daly and incumbent August Longo.  There has been a smattering of dirty politics, mostly from outside parties.  It will be contentious, and certainly exciting.

At the same time, 1:30, the resolutions committee will be working to prioritize ten resolutions to go to the floor.  If you are interested in one of the resolutions, you should check in at 1:30 and see what the schedule is, and when yours comes up.

In the afternoon, Speaker Pelosi speaks directly before the election of party officers. Chris Finnie comes on at 3:15ish, and John Burton at 3:30. The Female Vice-chair race and Controller follow shortly behind. Follow our tweets for more information.

Sorry for the crazy ordering, I didn’t feel like copying and pasting them into order.


10. United States Senator Barbara Boxer

3. U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis  

2. Congresswoman Doris Matsui  

13. Congressman Xavier Becerra  

4. Lt. Governor John Garamendi  

8. Attorney General Jerry Brown  

5. Treasurer Bill Lockyer  

7. Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell  

11. Assembly Speaker Karen Bass  

1. Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson  

6. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom  

12. San Francisco Board of Supervisors President David Chiu

9. CTA President David Sanchez


Lunch (Hall C) Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (Chair, CA Democratic  Congressional Delegation)  

Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg  Assembly Speaker Karen Bass


4. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi  

1. Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Chair, Congressional Black Caucus)  

3. Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg  

2. Stuart Milk  Anne Kronenberg  

5. Candidates for State Party office including State Senator John Burton (ret.)


Dinner – Tribute to Chairman Art Torres (Hall C):

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  

Congresswoman Maxine Waters  

Congressman Mike Thompson  

Governor Howard Dean  

State Treasurer Bill Lockyer  

Hon. Willie L. Brown, Jr.

Senator John Burton (ret.)