Quick Shot

Real quick, because I have a couple places to get to:

1. We had an excellent session with Gavin Newsom and Bill Hedrick today, and there will be a fuller writeup of those in a bit. (hint: Newsom opposes 1C, 1D and 1E).

2. The resolution of an inquiry into Jay Bybee looks poised for passage.  This is awesome news.

3. UPDATE by Brian: A personal favorite resolutioon of mine: a proposal for oil severance was the last resolution to make it into the 10 priority resolutions.

2 thoughts on “Quick Shot”

  1. Was at the meeting.

    Bryan’s on the Resolution Committee, correct?

    So is my understanding correct that the next step is it goes before the General Session tomorrow? To be voted on by delegates

    Also important – moratorium on the death penalty; healthcare. Don’t have a list handy and too tired to think (not much sleep)

    Going blank on others that passed


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