SEIU: Shared Sacrifice By All, Not Just For Some

SEIU has another volley in their air war with the Governor over the budget.  This time it goes after the logic of calling for “shared sacrifice” for the poor and middle class while not requiring the Big Oil companies to not also “share in the sacrifice.” All in all, it’s a solid ad. It points out the faulty logic in Arnold’s “shared sacrifice” in a rather pointed way:

When lawmakers cut health care for kids, the governor called it “shared sacrifice.”

When they slashed aid to college students, and home care for seniors, he called it “shared sacrifice.”

Now they propose taxes on Big Oil and Tobacco and he calls it a deal-breaker.

SEIU is spending “six figures”, so I’m guessing it is in the $100-200K range.  However, they also claim to be hitting every major media market in the state, so it’s a substantial buy. There is a Spanish version, but I’ve not been able to track it down yet.  If you have a beat on that, shoot me an email or post it in the comments. The Spanish version is over the flip.

Full text of the ad over the flip.

Balancing the state budget requires sacrifice AND common sense.

When lawmakers cut health care for kids, the governor called it “shared sacrifice.”

When they slashed aid to college students, and home care for seniors, he called it “shared sacrifice.”

Now they propose taxes on Big Oil and Tobacco and he calls it a deal-breaker.

His plan? Even MORE cuts for children, students, and seniors.

Tell the Governor special interests should sacrifice, too.

It’s common sense.


3 thoughts on “SEIU: Shared Sacrifice By All, Not Just For Some”

  1. Seriously, this is barely about politics anymore.  Look at Chiang’s figures.  Nothing is coming in.  You have to cut.

    As for raising sin taxes, all that does is endanger industries that actually succeed in america like tobacco.  When people stop smoking, jobs are likely lost, and it is starting to become clear that this depression, which has been exacerbated by the rise in interest rates as of late due to massive federal spending, is unique in that people are not going to see movies and getting drunk.  

    The one clear area that works to reduce the deficit is cutting spending.  Raising taxes has just been proven to be a cropper – the raise in sales taxes has actually led to a massive decline in collections.

    I am embarassed by the special interests defending themselves.  I have suffered greatly in this depression, and it is getting worse as Obama borrows ever more money.  Everyone should step up and sacrifice.  

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