I almost forgot about this, but today was Election Day in CA-32, a runoff from the May 19 primary between the top vote-getters in each party. Judy Chu and Betty Tom Chu, who depending on who you talk to either are or are not related, are the leading candidates, but given the makeup of the district it’s a near-certainty that Judy Chu will emerge victorious tonight and become a member of Congress. LA County has reported the early vote totals:
Judy Chu 8,490 (61.12%); Betty Chu 4,623 (33.28%); CM Agrella 777 (5.59%)
This won’t be a results thread, just a congratulations to Judy Chu, who will make a great Representative. Now, somebody ask her tomorrow about the public plan.
UPDATE: “Semi-official” totals from LA County:
Semi-final election night results: Judy Chu 15,238 (61.67%); Betty Chu 8,185 (33.12%); CM Agrella 1,287 (5.21%)…24,942 ballots processed.