Will Dems Stop Offshore Drilling?

There are many objectionable parts of the budget deal, but one of the worst is the reversal of 40 years of policy banning offshore oil drilling. The Tranquillon Ridge project would threaten one of California’s last unspoiled coastal areas – the stunningly beautiful coastline of Point Conception/Point Arguello near Vandenberg AFB. It would bring in all of $100 million this year, a statistically negligible amount given the state’s overall crisis.

Now we’re starting to see some Democrats come out and forcefully oppose this indefensible agreement. John Garamendi has been leading the fight for months, and CDP Chairman John Burton has gone on record demanding that Dems vote no on the offshore drilling. And Senator Mark DeSaulnier indicated he would vote no on the drilling plan.

Today more Democratic legislators have come out against offshore drilling. Bill Monning (AD-27, which includes Santa Cruz and Monterey – he’s my assemblyman) released this statement addressed to an anti-drilling rally planned for noon in Santa Cruz:

Dear Friends and Opponents of Offshore Drilling,

I regret that I cannot join you in person, but stand with you all in solidarity as we advance the fight for sanity in this budget showdown.

I stand in strong opposition to the Governor’s push to extend offshore drilling rights to PXP.  It is ironic that the Governor’s bid would generate $100 million in revenue to the state at the cost of our coastal integrity in contrast to his rejection of the Democratic majority’s proposal to tax oil extraction from EXISTING oil rigs on California soil that would have generated at least $900 million a year in additional state revenues.  So, in their dogmatic mantra of no taxes, the Governor has forfeited a guaranteed $900 million and no new drilling for a $100 million deal that requires opening the doors to offshore drilling…. a line that has never been crossed in state waters.  

I applaud your presence, commitment, and conviction.  Let us take this moment of crisis to expand our efforts for renewable energy, taxation of oil drilling in California, and reform of the 2/3 vote requirement that is taking our state down the road of fiscal and human disaster.

Toward Renewable Energy and a Moral Budget,

Bill Monning

Monning plans to vote for the rest of the budget deal, unfortunately. Pedro Nava, the outgoing assemblyman representing the Santa Barbara coast, also put out a statement attacking the deal and pointing out its inherently lawless nature:

Several months ago, Plains Exploration & Production Company (otherwise known as PXP) proposed to do offshore drilling in State waters off the beautiful Santa Barbara Coast. By operation of law, this project had to go through a public vetting and review by the State Lands Commission.  The Lands Commission reviewed the project and said “NO”.

Now, the Governor is proposing to bypass this essential public environmental review and ask the Legislature to bypass this process and approve a 15-year lease for new drilling in State waters off the Santa Barbara Coast.

In Washington the Obama Administration and Congress are considering offshore drilling on the outer continental shelf and reinstatement of the offshore drilling moratorium on the California Coast.

Two months ago, the Governor’s Office joined me and others in an address before U.S. Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar.  The Governor publicly asked for a federal moratorium on off shore oil drilling.  I was proud to stand with him in that act to protect our coast.

However, what kind of message does is send to Washington if we say “NO” to federal drilling, but “YES” to a bypass of any public review for what would be the first oil drilling in state waters in 40 years?

Contact the Governor’s office and tell him that our coast is not for sale and that you oppose any new oil development in waters off the California Coast.

It’s not enough to stop the offshore drilling while the rest of this crappy deal goes through. But it is also a positive sign that there are still some Democrats in the Capitol who resist the failed culture of “let’s make a deal” and who still hew to some basic principles.

UPDATE by Dave: Just to make things clear, assuming the Yacht Party votes for drilling en masse, and I have no reason to believe they won’t, you would need 41 Democrats and/or indie Juan Arambula (out of 50) in the Assembly, or 21 Democrats (out of 25) in the Senate, to block it.

UPDATE by Robert: John Myers tweets that 15 Assembly Dems from the Coastal Caucus wrote to Arnold to oppose the Tranquillon Ridge project. Now we just need 26 more Dems…

UPDATE by Dave: I don’t know if Ted Lieu is in the Coastal caucus, but he just tweeted that he will not support the offshore drilling plan.

11 thoughts on “Will Dems Stop Offshore Drilling?”

  1. This is where they are making their stand?  Good lord!

    There is no way this drilling was ever going to occur anyway, unless they repeal CEQA and a host of Federal and state legislation dealing with the oceans, drilling and endangered species.  There are so many ways to stop this drilling outside of the budget process.

    To me, their drawing the line in the sand over this rather than over the cuts in the safety net is nothing more than the Democrats sending up a smoke screen, hoping we will be so happy about this we will not see their utter lack of courage, ethics and morals on the things that are most important and that attack our most vulnerable citizens.  

  2. I posted a longish comment on my call with a local staffer this AM in mbayrob’s diary on whipping them, but short version is: he generally favors drilling as part of a renewable energy package (WTF?!?) but doesn’t favor this particular one.

    I suggest others in his district call.  Everyone in Oak Park, zip code 91377, is in his district, not that I’m suggesting people outside his district should tell falsehoods to Republicans or anything.

  3. Burton, Garamendi, can crow all they want – but mark these words, they, and others, already know this is a done deal.

    August 17th, back in session.  Today the record was merely “expunged”…

    As soon as Dave Jone’s proposed amendments are put in place, …there will be blood.

    And the California Coastal Commission will soon be history.

    Gee, times are hard; lock in hatred of Republicans for Moderate Reps, Dems, and bring on board Independents.  Come election time, Gavin’s got a saweeeet platform to run on.

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