NorCal Cities and Water Agencies Say Whoa!

A rather impressive group of cities, counties, and water agencies has teamed up to write a letter asking the Legislature to slow down the water package to ensure that their are no negative impacts upon the Delta.  The list includes the City of Sacramento, the counties of Contra Costa, Sacramento, Solano, and San Joaquin, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the Central Delta Water Agency. The letter itself (h/t EJ Schultz of the Fresno Bee) is pretty short and to the point:

We are writing to inform you that while we support the objective of fixing the Delta and increasing the reliability of water supplies for all of California, the current Delta package needs further work to ensure all regions of California are treated fairly. Put simply, in its current form, this legislation would harm Northern California.

We ask that the Legislature withhold and oppose any vote on a water package until, in addition to addressing the need for a reliable water supply for the entire state, it assures that there are no redirected impacts to the Delta and Northern California and sufficient protections are in place to protect Northern California’s and the Delta’s water supplies.

The Delta water package must fairly address the needs of Northern California, the economic viability and health of the Delta while assuring a reliable water supply for the entire State.

See, when it comes to water, there are so many dynamics as to make this an absolute mess. There’s obviously North Vs. South, as it rains in the North, but doesn’t in the South of the state. There’s different parts of the Central Valley fighting over the various scraps of water. And those who live on or near the Delta versus, well, those who don’t.

And balancing all those interests, along with environmental concerns isn’t easy. Yet, it is clear that there is an extraordinary level of pressure to just get this done as quickly as possible. A deal for a deal’s sake is simply not worth it.

2 thoughts on “NorCal Cities and Water Agencies Say Whoa!”

  1. They really don’t want any change at all to our broken Delta. How do I know?

    Because they didn’t specify what their concerns were, and how they could be addressed. They just said “you need to do more”, “you need to slow down”, “you need to prove that you couldn’t possibly be causing any harm.” How do you prove a negative? You can’t – if we allow this tactic, they’ll always be able to come back and say, “yes but how can we be SURE”, no matter how many studies are done, no matter how much mitigation is proposed.

    It’s no different from the various groups opposing the high-speed train. No amount of reassurance is enough, because they just don’t want it built.

  2. Brian – great post.  I say to the skeptic who posted earlier, the NorCal communities and water agencies say whoa not to be just opposed to anything!  

    This water package elevates the water rights of corporate ag users, who use 80-85% of all delta water exports.  It takes away water rights of the Delta and NorCal communities with the completely misleading “Co-Equal” language, among other things.  

    If we were just talking about a Canal Light like that proposed by contra Costa Water District, or a canal that willhelp ensure safety of water RELIABILITY, we all could work something out.  

    But a 15,000 CFS super Canal is sized to take more water SUPPLY from the delta, furthering its decline.  AND, this large canal would surely destroy the estuary, which needs a minimum level of freshwater flows in order to remain vibrant and dilute municipal discharge and provide sanctuary for wildlife.  

    This package is not just about RLIABILITY.  It is about increased SUPPLY to Westlands Water District and others.  

    Why are they fighting to gut the Endangered Species Act to allow historic water exports?  To remove legal barriers to have the Canal step up water exports even higher!

    Dont believe it?  Google Friends of the Trinity River and Letter to David Hayes and read the July 24 2009 letter about the San Luis Drain Negotiations, where Westlands is seeking a full 1.19 million acre-feet of water (an amount they have never received, with the average being around 600-700k MAF, with NO RESTRICTIONS on how they use the water, and a PERMANENT 9d water purchase agreement!!!  This means they are setting up to have permanent cheap water with no restrictions on what they do with it.  

    connecting dots:  Westlands and west side contractors of the San Luis Unit funding huge astro turf campaign using Latino Water Coalition, etc.; get ESA relaxed with turn up pumps, 2-inch fish campaign, get state to build a huge canal to increase exports; make hundreds of BILLIONS SELLING WATER.

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