CA-50 Norman Solomon, Co-Chair of PDA’s Health Care Campaign Endorses Tracy Emblem for Congress

Norman SolomonSan Diego, CA – Progressive Author & Activist, Norman Solomon endorses Tracy Emblem as the progressive candidate and the Democrats only hope in 2010 to win a seat in the House of Representatives from California’s 50th District.

Mr. Solomon is the founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Accuracy, a nationally syndicated columnist on media and politics and is on the advisory board of Progressive Democrats of America. Widely known for his groundbreaking works, Made Love, Got War and War Made Easy, he has been writing the weekly Media Beat column since 1992. He recently co-authored a resolution which the California Democratic Party adopted in November calling for the end of the United States occupation and air-war in Afghanistan.  

Tracy’s Position on the Escalation of our Troops in Afghanistan:

While I support the brave men and women who have enlisted to defend our country, there seems to be no end in sight to the war. The United States taxpayers may be involuntary participants in funding the security and infrastructure necessary for Afghanistan’s economic development. Prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, Unocal signed an agreement to build a pipeline through Afghanistan crossing into Pakistan. Since invading Afghanistan, we have also learned the country has even more natural resources then first believed. According to a Science Daily article published in March 2006, after an United States Geographical Survey was completed, Afghanistan’s oil estimates increased by 18 times and the survey revealed more than triple the natural gas resources. The geographical assessment was conducted with funding provided by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

Its time to ask our federal government critical questions about who benefits from the development contracts in Afghanistan because we must consider investing our taxpayer dollars in American jobs, America’s crumbling infrastructure and new technology.  

After eight years of occupation, and 100,000 U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan soon, American taxpayers must ask ourselves: Why are we there and what is our objective? Americans should be investing in and rebuilding America.

Meet the Candidate & See For Yourself Why Her Support is Surging

December 14th, 6-7:30PM Del Mar, California

Business Owner Georgia Dutro will be hosting a meet & greet with Congressional Candidate, Tracy Emblem in her Del Mar home located at 2127 Heather Lane in Del Mar, CA 92014. The suggested contribution to attend this special event is $50 which can be made online or at the door. To RSVP please contact Debra Rose at email her at [email protected] or call her at (916) 206-9426.

December 16th, 6-8PM La Jolla, California

Ret. San Diego City Councilwoman, Mentor & Run Woman Run Lifetime Member,

Abbe Wolsheimer-Stutz will be hosting a meet & greet at her home in La Jolla, California for Congressional Candidate, Tracy Emblem. A map to this private event will be issued upon RSVP. A suggested contribution to attend this special event is $100 which can be made online or at the door. To RSVP please contact Debra Rose at (916) 206-9426 or via email at [email protected].

December 17th, 6:30-7:30PM Encinitas, California

Join Retired Navy Captain, Roy Tobin at his home in Encinitas, California for a meet & greet featuring Congressional Candidate, Tracy Emblem. Capt. Tobin supports Tracy Emblem because Tracy supports our Veterans and our Troops. A map to this private event will be issued upon RSVP. A suggested contribution to attend this special event is $50 which can be made online or at the door. To RSVP please contact Debra Rose at (916) 206-9426 or via email at [email protected].

December 19th, 2:00-4:00PM Rancho Bernardo (San Diego), California

The Rancho Bernardo Democratic Club’s past President, Patricia Jones will be hosting a meet & greet for Congressional Candidate, Tracy Emblem at her home located at 12349 Oliva Road in Rancho Bernardo. A suggested contribution to attend this special event is $50 which can be made online or at the door. To RSVP please contact Debra Rose at (916) 206-9426 or via email at [email protected].

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