Schwarzenegger Puts Party Over State Once Again, Wastes Millions For

Once again, Arnold Schwarzenegger chooses crass party politics over doing what he claims to be fighting for: saving the state money. So, instead of consolidating the general election with the SD-15 runoff, we’ll be having a one-off special election in the middle of September:

In a move that will likely tick off Democrats, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t planning on consolidating the special election to fill GOP Sen. Abel Maldonado’s Senate seat with the November general election.

“The governor believes it’s his responsibility to fill this as quickly as possible and have a full complement of legislators for the budget talks and also for key pieces of legislation,” spokesman Aaron McLear said today.

Maldonado plans to resign his seat this afternoon, after he is sworn-in as lieutenant governor. Schwarzenegger will then have 14 days to call a special election to fill the seat, meaning a run-off election would likely take place at the end of August or beginning of September.(SacBee)

Not consolidating will cost the state several million dollars at a time when the state is desperate for funding.

From an electoral standpoint, this will clearly hurt John Laird.  He will be forced to compete in a run-off election with dismal turnout, and once again, the few will pick for the many.

Now, we will simply have to work doubly hard for John Laird, the challenge has been raised.