This is the eMeg Ad We’ve Been Waiting For

Ok, this is it. This is what we have been waiting for. The ad that hits at Meg Whitman, and ties her for all the world to see to Goldman Sachs.  And the ad comes courtesy of Steve Poizner.  

At this point, I feel like I should be giving money to Poizner’s campaign to get this ad up on the TV as much as possible.

See, the thing with Whitman is that there is just so much meat for an opposition researcher.  In addition to the Goldman Sachs stuff, there’s the child labor issue, her brilliant purchase of Skype (a nearly billion loss for eBay), and putting toxic glue in your kid’s Stride Rites.  Chris Kelly (no, not the AG candidate) went ahead and wrote your Meg Whitman bible.

Go Poizner, go! You just have to love a bloody Republican primary between two uber-rich techies, don’t you?

3 thoughts on “This is the eMeg Ad We’ve Been Waiting For”

  1. This (and the Tom McClintock ad) reminds me of how badly Angelides & Westley battered each other during the primary, virtually ensuring Schwarzenegger an easy re-election. I only hope Brown takes advantage of the McClintock sound bytes to remind the Tea Party folks how terrible Meg is. Maybe it will help depress voter turn-out…

  2. I wouldn’t vote for either one, As they seem to want the far right votes and that sounds like another cut to Me and I’m sick of cuts, Especially to those who can’t fend for themselves, Cuts to IHSS, Cuts to Medi-Cal and yep Cuts to SSI/SSP…

    One wants to be Arnold in a skirt, yuck, And the other seems just plain mean, double yuck.

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