Unofficial, But Likely Final, June 2010 Election Results

From the Secretary of State’s election returns page. See the liveblog for the latest percentages.


Reps: Meg Whitman

Dems: Jerry Brown


Reps: Carly Fiorina

Dems: Barbara Boxer

Ballot Propositions:

13: Passed

14: Passed

15: Failed

16: Failed

17: Failed


Reps: Abel Maldonado

Dems: Gavin Newsom


Reps: Steve Cooley

Dems: Kamala Harris

Insurance Commish:

Reps: Brian Fitzgerald (50.9-49.1 over Mike Villines)

Dems: Dave Jones

Superintendent of Public Instruction (top two go to November ballot):

Larry Aceves (18.8%)

Tom Torlakson (18%)

Other interesting primary battles:

CA-19: Jeff Denham (R) (36-30-20 over Patterson and Pombo)

CA-36: Jane Harman (D) (59-41 over Winograd)

AD-28: Luis Alejo (D)

AD-30: Fran Florez (D)

AD-35: Das Williams (D)

AD-53: Betsy Butler (D)

AD-70: Melissa Fox (D), Don Wagner (R)

SD-40: Mary Salas (D) (50.6-49.4 over Vargas)

3 thoughts on “Unofficial, But Likely Final, June 2010 Election Results”

  1. Your link shows Forbidden… Robert

    This one works: Semi-Official Results: June 8th 2010 California Election

    100.0% ( 22,894 of 22,894 ) precincts partially

    or fully reporting as of June 9, 2010, at 8:02 a.m.

    Proposition Title Yes
    % No
    Yes 13 Property Taxes and Seismic Retrofit of Buildings 3,200,194 84.5% 588,582 15.5%
    Yes 14 Primary Election Participation 2,077,100 54.2% 1,761,410 45.8%
    No 15 California Fair Elections Act 1,593,698 42.5% 2,147,745 57.5%
    No 16 Local Electricity Providers 1,830,278 47.5% 2,015,297 52.5%
    No 17 Auto Insurance Pricing 1,848,768 47.9% 2,004,410 52.1%

    Note: I’m only showing the Propositions as the link has lots more info to look at.

  2. …beating out the actual liberal Tracy Emblem who had great labor endorsements.

    Busby lost in ’04, ’06, skipped ’08 (first time our district voted Dem for Pres in as long as I can remember — nice strategy dodging those coattails!), and now is back in ’10 now that our normally-deep-red district is sure to be all tea-baggy.  Maybe Emblem wouldn’t have had a chance, but at least it’d be a different show.

    What, me bitter?

  3. Salas picked up another net 100 votes or so.  She’s now ahead of the more moderate Vargas by over 400 votes.  This was probably the most important contested state legislative primary race this year.  

    Salas has been a very good vote on a wide range of issues, while Vargas was little more than a tool for the Insurance industry as well as an opponent of good environmental legislation.

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