While Meg Whitman was hobnobbing with Condi, Carly Fiorina is getting ready to do a big fundraiser in DC tomorrow. It’s being headlined by that Tremendous Trio of Senators McConnell, Cornyn and Kyl. What a bunch. But the more interesting message comes on that left hand column, where just near the bottom comes “Koch Industries PAC.” More from Talking Points Memo:
Republican Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina will attend a high-dollar fundraiser Thursday night that includes Koch Industries PAC, a conservative megadonor that has been the subject of some high-profile magazine pieces of late.
The Koch brothers have become conservative super-villains for Democrats this year, igniting Democrats in the same way George Soros’ spending on liberal causes enrages the right. … Koch has a storied history. TPM has followed the brothers’ involvement in funding tea party groups, among other conservative causes.
The New Yorker recently published a 6,000-word exposé detailing the Koch brothers Charles Koch and David Koch and their involvement in conservative causes aiming to defeat President Obama and his agenda. The latest iteration comes as Koch spars with the White House over corporate donations. In addition to their role in the conservative movement, Koch Industries has long been pegged as a top outsourcer.(Talking Points Memo)
Is there any doubt about Carly Fiorina left. She favors Prop 23, and decimating our climate regulations. She is in the pocket of the Tea Party funders and Big Coal. She wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. She is a fan of “right-shoring” American jobs oversees, and will continue to favor and advocate for that. Oh, and yeah, she was fired for poor performance at HP.
California, Carly Fiorina is unqualified, and all wrong on all the issues.
As an independent, I find it curious that the media seems to focus on the Koch brothers while ignoring other big-money donors.
The Koch brothers have indeed donated to Republican causes and have contributed to Prop. 23. For Prop. 23, they’ve contributed as Flint Hills Resources, one their affiliated political operations.
The Center for Responsive Politics (www.OpenSecrets.org) has a good comparison of the political contributions by the Koch brothers to right-wing causes versus George Soros’s giving to Progressive causes.
It’s very interesting when you look at the soft-money given to 527s. The billionaire Koch brothers gave $1.5 million to their causes while billionaire George Soros gave $35 million to his!
George Soros is also a donor to California’s Proposition 27, along with billionaire media mogul Haim Saban.