Meg Whitman was greeted at a fancy high-falutin’ $1000 a person fundraiser by a crowd of protesters, angry over her supposed “plan.” By plan I mean corportization of our state government combined with a subtle effort to just get rid of the whole thing. But, she did her best to rally the base with the noted War Hawk and architect of failure, Condoleeza Rice.
[T]he Republican candidate, speaking to the audience, said she was confident she will turn out the Republican base, noting they are already “carrying pitchforks and torches..and saying “which way to the castle?”
And the former eBay CEO also vowed to turn out Latinos, small business owners, and women, boasting she is working to build “the largest women’s coalition ever in American politics.”
Whitman also predicted she will attract 18-29 year old voters who supported President Barack Obama in the election of 2008, because she said they are now concerned about one issue — jobs.(SF Gate)
Everything is bigger with $150 Million dollars! But her underlying facts are dead wrong. Not only are voters between 18-29 strongly going towards Jerry Brown, after all, this is one of the most progressive generations in quite some time, but her “coalition” is a paper tiger. It’s a lot of pretty posters and posturing, but where will she be when the rubber meats the road.
I should add what is the deal with candidates calling their own supporters an angry and out of control mob. Way to fuel the fire. As Arnold Schwarzenegger learned (just see his latest poll numbers) the outsider card only works for so long, eventually, when real results are required, her big talk will amount to even less than what we’ve gotten with the Governator.
…for the sick day those two gay teachers took to be filmed at this rally. It ad to be said.