Here’s a Republican who’s had enough of Meg Whitman’s attacks on IHSS

Kenneth Jones, a homecare provider from Roseville, mounts a strong defense of the IHSS program and says that Whitman’s attacks on the program will force him to vote for Jerry Brown for governor.

And he does it on Meg’s own web site.  

Here’s Mr. Jones’ powerful post:

Guess I’m Being Forced to vote Democrat for the 1st time of my life !

Posted by kenneth jones on October 6, 2010 at 6:08pm on Forum

I am shocked that a  republican would make me go to the dem side, But I have been informed that you intend to do away with or seriously cut  “I.H.S.S”.

Well I will tell you that  is one program I have thanked and praised the state for – BECAUSE my daughter was hit by a worthless repeat affender still out driving when she was just 14. She had to have part of her brain cut out because of the injuries. She has been disabled since and requires help with everything physically but surprisinly is very mentally aware and remembers being normal.

I have given up the home I owned at the time, my marrage, and have struggled with many head on challanges to keep her at home with me and family just to get her whatever therapy and care possible so that I can persue the things she needs to  improve her life instead of excepting her condition when she came home as perminit as we were told. She has come a long ways now 29 and is happy to be with us instead of stuck in a care home surrounded by non-caring strangers and lots of other sick people

SHE didn’t commit a crime to be condemed to that which by the way would even cost the state more than it does now for the I.H.S.S. I did’nt commit a crime but I excepted my role as her dad to be there for her no matter the cost, I had to except not being able to grow my business any longer, down sized to be able to make sure she is my priority as she desirves,

I am  50 now and have nothing towards retiring but that is my problem and except the worries. However The “only” way I have been able to make it as long as I have and afford to keep her home and not abanden her for full time employment is I.H.S.S.  I can’t make the money iI use to and we are always barely making the bills month to month but with out I.H.S.S.

I would not be able to afford being available for my daughters needs and she would have to go into a care home . For us it’s not about money – WE WOULD BOTH GIVE UP EVERYTHING TO HAVE HER BACK ON HER FEET AGAIN AND LIVING A NORMAL HEALTY LIFE !!  But we don’t get that choice so we are stuck with major changes and challanges to our lives that neither one of us ask for or want.

I can’t believe that you would distroy our lives futher  SO am I to vote for Brown to save my daugters life as she knows it now?…