Sen. Feinstein: Time to focus on the Economy, Not DADT

I helped the Courage Campaign with this action.  

In an open letter today, Sen. Feinstein called on California’s congressional delegation to put aside the settled issues like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal, and move on to focus on improving California’s economy.

So imagine my disappointment today when California Congressman Duncan Hunter introduced legislation that would paralyze repeal efforts.

Rep. Hunter knows his legislation has no chance of success. Should it pass the House, it will never be approved by the Senate or signed by the President.

Worse, this effort is a distraction from the real work at hand. California is faced with an unemployment rate of 12.4%, a crushing budget shortfall, alarming health insurance rate hikes, dangerous water shortages and a broken immigration system. Now is not the time for distractions that have no chance of becoming law.

Will you join me and the Courage Campaign in asking your member of Congress to reject this legislation, and instead focus on real priorities for Californians and the rest of America?

The new House leadership has shown that they aren’t going to let any sleeping dogs lie.  But the fact is that even General Casey has said that he doesn’t need that specific power to certify:

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in December, some service chiefs – including Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey – testified that they didn’t feel the need to have the responsibility of issuing certification for repeal because Defense Secretary Robert Gates would adequately represent their voice going forward.

“I am very comfortable with my ability to provide input to Secretary Gates and to the Chairman that will be listened to and considered,” Casey said. “So you could put it in there, but I don’t think it’s necessary.” (Washington Blade)

Please consider taking a moment to join Sen. Feinstein and the Courage Campaign in calling on our Congressional delegation to work on the real issues that face California and the nation.

Subject: An Open Letter from Dianne Feinstein
Last month, I proudly cast my vote to repeal the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which I have opposed since it was first introduced in 1993. President Obama signed that bill into law, and it's now on the path to implementation.
So imagine my disappointment today when California Congressman Duncan Hunter introduced legislation that would paralyze repeal efforts.
Rep. Hunter knows his legislation has no chance of success. Should it pass the House, it will never be approved by the Senate or signed by the President.
Worse, this effort is a distraction from the real work at hand. California is faced with an unemployment rate of 12.4%, a crushing budget shortfall, alarming health insurance rate hikes, dangerous water shortages and a broken immigration system. Now is not the time for distractions that have no chance of becoming law.
I was proud to  co-sponsor of the bill that repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” last month. As President Obama said upon signing repeal, “This is done.”
He’s right. This issue is settled. It’s time to move on to address what California needs, not looking backwards to derail equality.
We need to get our economy moving here in California. As your Senator, I’ve always made that my top priority. Immigration reform, building smart infrastructure like high-speed rail that creates good-paying jobs, and helping small businessessucceed are also at the top of my list.
I think those priorities that we can all agree upon.
The stakes couldn’t be higher- and we don’t have time to waste.
Dianne Feinstein

11 thoughts on “Sen. Feinstein: Time to focus on the Economy, Not DADT”

  1. This reminds me of the great work she did on the Attorneys General firing issue under Bush.  When she is good, she is very, very good.  

  2. I hope she announces she is retiring soon to give California Democrats time to prepare a good candidate.  Her spotty always leaves me perplexed I have pulled the lever for her for the last time.  If I am not mistaken she will be 80 when the time comes to run again.  A good time to retire.  

  3. from repealing glass-steagal and setting up the bubble economy of the zeroes,  to voting for bush’s tax cut and wars and creating a huge deficit, to the odious bankruptcy debt peonage bill that locked consumers permanently into debt as credit companies were handing out free money, to helping kill the public option in the health care bill, i’m not that reassured by the letter. yes, leave equality in the military alone (and push for marriage equality!), but hopefully feinstein’s economic agenda will be better than that of her last decade (to say nothing of the BS austerity for peons / lavish bonuses for adminstrators in the UCs).

    the only silver lining i get from this political junk mail is the hint that she might try to fight for CA HSR funding in the next congress, which is a Good Thing.

  4. Obama is commander-in-chief; he could simply order the chiefs to sign the certification or else resign.  Republicans are attempting to unconstitutionally interfere, and to elevate military officers above the president.

  5. I bet Duncan Hunter wants us to blow another 200 million dollars to replace more discharged people. What a twit.  

  6. I have not seen any data on how many soldiers left/booted under this policy per year?  Is this a 1, 10, 100, 1000 person issue per year?

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