The Ups and Downs

If you are a nerd, you may be interested in keeping track of how much money is coming into the state.  While April is tax month, that doesn’t mean that all the money comes in during April.  However, the month is an interesting indicator of how we’re doing.

So, fortunately for us, John Myers has been following the data on the State Controller’s website.  As a side note, if you are a wonk, you’ll love to watch the data come in.

But, to the basics, the previous budget plan from the Administration had expected about 6.8 billion dollars.  Up until this week, we weren’t really doing so well.  That all changed over the last two days:

Wednesday 10:49 a.m. update: The last two days since this posting was written have been huge for income tax receipts — almost $1.9 billion in just 48 hours, thus putting the state on a path to possibly exceeding expectations. No doubt that would change the political debate over revenues come May. (KQED CapNotes)

So, right now we’re standing at about 5.7 billion dollars with 7 more business days before the end of the month. If I were a betting man, I would estimate that we would at least meet the original target, and perhaps even exceed it.

Keep an eye on the numbers.

One thought on “The Ups and Downs”

  1. You made my night with that first sentence.

    If you are a nerd, you may be interested in keeping track of how much money is coming into the state.

    Calitics supplies the nerdy gifts from wonks to engaged voters.  So we clearly need a second (and third) bridge along the spectrum to the relentlessly disengaged yet hugely affected majority.  Californians should follow the state revenue stats to the degree we follow baseball stats.

    What do those sites look like? Exceptionally easy-to-use links to weekly video updates with guest celebrities delivering the wonkdom? Those of us who organize people without internet access have to find those bridges.

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