Internal Party issues take center focus as speakers begin
by Brian Leubitz
It probably isn’t the most exciting news for those outside of the bubble here in Sacramento, but a few issues are getting some attention.
Calitics regular RL Miller was in something of a brutal race for chair of the Environmental caucus, with robocalls flying back and forth. In the end, she won the race with a fairly wide margin, as progressive activists flooded the caucus.
If you were following the Calitics twitter feed yesterday, you may have seen some photos from the very successful Take Back Red California annual dinner, including the picture at right with LA County Party Chair Eric Bauman with Former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. Solis, who is looking at a run for LA County Supervisor, wrapped up the event with something of an inspiring speech.
Today, a parade of elected officials will regale the crowd, and the party will decide on a new secretary and the last batch of regional directors.
UPDATE: Check out the videos for some of the general session speakers.