All posts by Itstime

NH House Passes Gay Marriage

According to the Union Leader gay marriage just passed the NH house with a narrow margin.…

The final vote on HB 556 was 186-179, and came after nearly three hours of debate.

The bill now moves to the Senate.

Those who pushed for passage of the bill said it was a matter of equal rights and that it will bring an end to discrimination against homosexuals. They said the state’s civil unions law, passed in 2007, is not the equivalent of marriage.

HB 436 now moves on to the State Senate where democrats enjoy a 14-9 (one vacancy) majority. My guess is this bill is headed to the Governor’s desk. Democratic Governor John Lynch has come out in the past against gay marriage, so he probably won’t sign the bill. But he could allow the bill to become law without his signature.

Eve of Justice: Repeal Prop 8 Rally in Sac

I just got back from attending the Eve of Justice in Sacramento, CA. As you probably know the California Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the validity of Prop 8 starting tomorrow. They must issue a ruling within 90 days. There were several hundred people at the rally.  I was very excited to be part of this march and wanted to share some pictures.

There’s more.

The event was sponsored by Marriage Equality USA,Human Rights Campaign, Courage Campaign, and many other organizations.