This is an outside submission that Calitics recieved, it is A press release from Jim Brandt
Huntington Beach, Calif., Oct. 19, 2006—Jim Brandt, Democratic candidate for the 46th Congressional District, expressed disappointment today after reports that the Republican candidate in the 47th Congressional District race was allegedly involved in a voter intimidation effort. As the Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register reported, more than 14,000 voters with Hispanic last names received a letter in English and Spanish saying that immigrants cannot vote. The Spanish version actually says, “You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time.” This assertion is false. Immigrants who are naturalized citizens can vote. The letter further tried to intimidate legal voters by alleging that “the state has developed a tracking system that will allow the names of Latino voters to be handed over to anti-immigrant groups.” This is patently false.
This disgusting letter is an obvious and reprehensible attempt to suppress the vote among legal, naturalized Hispanic citizens.
“I join the Democratic Party of Orange County and its Chair, Frank Barbaro, and Vice Chair, Rima Nashashibi, in calling for the withdrawal of Republican candidate Tan Nguyen from the race in the 47th Congressional District if he or anyone with his campaign is involved in this despicable act,” said Jim Brandt. “All voters in the 47th District deserve respect. This letter clearly demonstrates a basic lack of respect for voters and for the democratic process.”
Brandt continued, “This incident proves the importance of the renewal of the Voting Rights Act. This critical legislation protects all voters’ right to vote. The historic benefit of bringing more Americans into the political process and protecting them from that right being denied is immeasurable, so I was disappointed in Rep. Rohrabacher’s vote against renewal.”
“Rep. Rohrabacher must make a statement about this incident. I also call on him to join his fellow Republicans in calling for Republican Nguyen’s withdrawal from the race in the 47th Congressional District.”