All posts by RepGeorgeMiller

Save Money on Your Energy Bills

( – promoted by David Dayen)

We need to do a lot more to lower energy costs, and combat global warming. Congress just passed a bill that will lower costs in the long run by making major investments in clean energy technology, and create thousands of green jobs. But there are things we can do right now to save money.

I’ve made a list of 5 things people can do to save money on energy bills. But I know there are things people are doing to save money that I’m not aware of. What are you doing to save money on your energy bills? Tell me your best ideas, and I’ll share them with the country in a speech from the House floor.

No war $ in September without a timeline

(Welcome to another Awesome Elected. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Cross posted from my DailyKos Diary:

I wanted to take a moment in between fighting off republican attempts on the house floor to cut students aid to share the latest MillerTV with you.

Flip for the video (Brian edit)

This week I answer a question from a blog my constituents started, “Benicia Vallejo Asks George”.

You can now vote on which questions you’d like me to address on askgeorge . So make your voice heard now and cast your vote .

I have to get back to the floor, but I look forward to reading your comments in the thread and hope to hear from you on askgeorge as well.