All posts by SFJen

California Young Democrats- the face of Prop 92

(CYD is one of the larges Dem. organizations and regularly works in the trenches for progressive change. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

I am the VP of Membership for the California Young Democrats

This weekend in Anaheim, CYD President Tim Steed addressed the California Democratic Executive Board delegation in Anaheim and was the strongest voice addressing the general session in support of Proposition 92 – the Community College Initiative (on the February 5th ballot), taking a public stand for young people in California.

Last week at our biennial Lake Tahoe retreat and Executive Board meeting the California Young Democrats overwhelmingly endorsed Proposition 92. This initiative is the most progressive expansion of public education in a generation and the first chance our state has had to roll back the regressive and unjust fee hikes of the last several years.

In his address to the CDP board in Anaheim, President Steed said, “I come from a family where four of us got our start in the community college system. It was our gateway to the American Dream, we must do all we can to ensure millions of other Young Californians have the same access to the American Dream as me and my family had”.

( join us on the flip side…..)

CYD had a strong presence at every caucus meeting, bringing the message of college students and community college graduates (yours truly included) to the CDP.

During the Resolutions Committee Meeting; Andrew Acosta, the campaign manager for the Yes on 92 campaign in his address to the committee identified Christopher McDonald, the California College Democrats Political Director as, “the face of Proposition 92”.
Chris (the face) is a student at Sierra College outside of Sacramento and hopes to transfer to a UC next year. “Proposition 92 will end the rollercoaster ride of college tuition in our community college system and create stability for the 2.5 million students who attend annually.” said McDonald.

The California Young Democrats are working to ensure that young people are heard on this important issue.

CALL TO ACTION–go to and personally endorse the initiative, write a letter to the editor or plan a voter registration drive in support of Prop. 92.

CYD will fight hard against all tuition increases, especially when UC Regents and CSU trustees are so out of touch with reality…UC chancellors’ pay could increase up to 17% in 2008 (11/10/07 By Eleanor Yang Su, San Diego Union-Tribune) “UC’s proposal comes on the heels of California State University’s decision in September to raise campus presidents’ salaries by an average of 12 percent.”

CYD, the largest caucus in the California Democratic Party- needs your support for a sustainable future. Go here to donate today!