All posts by Tim Tagaris

Thanks Dday, Everyone Who Attended the Blogger Meeting w/ Senator Dodd

Hey folks,

Just wanted to send a quick shout out to those of you who attended the meeting Senator Dodd had with the California bloggers.  I am so gratified that it happened.  A special note of thanks to Dday for his write-up of the occassion.

It’s tough breaking through the traditional media filter at times.  When the first AP story after the debate came out, Senator Dodd was afforded a two word quote about President Bush’s “failed policy” in Iraq.  “Failed policy” — those were the two words found in the second to last paragraph of the story.  Hardly a thorough summation of the Senator’s position on Iraq when you consider he is the only candidate co-sponsoring Feingold-Reid and the only other besides Governor Richardson to publicly acknowledge his support for the bill.

Anyway, just know that if any of you have follow-up questions for the Senator or just want to know where he stands on what and why, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me.  I’ll direct the question through the appropriate channels and get those answers for you as soon as possible.

ttagaris at yahoo dot com is the best way to reach me.

Thanks again, and Brigham tells me there might be video of the exchange — can’t wait to see it.
