All posts by Zen Warrior

For Sale: Our National Parks

(A good use of your time to send in a comment. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

I felt the need to supplement Parish’s byline with my own commentary.  The selling off of our National Parks are what is at stake if the public does not protest the National Parks Service (NPS) giveaway to the corporations

If you care at all about Yellowstone et al., then head over to the NPS site and submit your comment

If you need help drafting your comment, then go to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) for a scripted form letter.  Public comments need to be submitted to the NPS by December 15, 2006.  Note:  The NPS site is not friendly to Firefox users so be sure to hold your nose and use Internet Explorer to submit your comment.


CALIFORNIA: Pharmaceutical Drug Right-to-Know Act

California has the best privacy law in the country and continues to be a leading pioneer in consumer advocacy.  California is poised and consumers can help prevent another Vioxx tragedy.  If you thought the 2003 Data Breach law was helpful, then you’ll be interested in getting behind the Pharmaceutical Drug Right-to-Know Act, which would require drug companies to start telling Californians about all of the health studies done on their drugs, not just the good ones. While this bill would help doctors and patients, it is facing stiff opposition from the pharmaceutical industry.  

This legislation needs to pass the Senate Appropriations Committee and the full Senate in the next few days, and the drug companies will be doing everything they can to stop it.

Please ask your senator, Senator Dick Ackerman, to help get this important bill out of the Appropriations Committee and to vote for it on the Senate Floor.  Then ask your friends  and family members to help out too by forwarding this message to them.