All posts by carlmanaster

Help me help Debra Bowen

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

OllieB just encouraged me to cross-post my DailyKos diary here on Calitics.  I am making a daily contribution every day until the election, and today’s contribution is to Debra Bowen.  If 10 people match my $100 contribution today on my ActBlue page, I’ll triple my contribution and send her $200 tomorrow.  So please help me out.  Thanks!

Here’s Debra’s website.

Here’s my ActBlue page.

More below the fold.

I saw Debra Bowen speak at the DemocracyFest here in San Diego a couple of weeks ago.  She’s a public servant with a good grasp of technology and a dedication to fair, accountable elections.  Brad, who was also at DemFest, supports her; he’s the go-to guy for electronic voting issues. 

I haven’t looked very closely into the topic myself; I just know that the way things are right now is very wrong.  I spent four months in ’04 in Canton, Ohio, home of Diebold.  I currently live a hop, skip and a jump away from the “sleepover” district, CA-50, where the Bilbray/Busby results have been called into question – also the city where our mayoral race was something of a farce (not specifically related to electronic voting, but not all voting concerns concern electronic voting machines).  Hell, my parents grew up in “vote early and often” Chicago.  Voting matters, and even if there has been no chicanery in our elections, the fact that we remain in doubt about it is problem enough by itself.  Voting matters.

Debra Bowen understands this; much of her attention as state senator has been dedicated to oversight of voting issues, and she’s done a lot to move our state to more accountability.  She’s seen what a poor job the incumbent has done, and she will do better.  Not a lot of attention is given to the race for Secretary of State – and not a lot of money.  What that means to us is: we can make a big difference.  This is a race where my hundred bucks – and yours – can really matter.  So pry open that wallet and give.  Thanks!





















Day Candidate Amount Matching funds from other Kossacks
E-56 Jack Carter $100 $100
E-55 Susan Davis $20  
E-54 Francine Busby $50  
E-53 John Rinaldi $20 $20
E-52 Ron Klein $25  
E-51 Sherrod Brown $25 x 2 $30
E-50 Ned Lamont $20 x 2 $65
E-49 Phil Angelides $20 x 2 $20
E-48 Charlie Brown $20 x 2 $20
E-47 Victoria Wulsin $25 x 2 $105
E-46 Jim Webb $20 x 2 $50
E-45 Gabrielle Giffords $20 x 2 $20
E-44 Debra Bowen $100  
TOTAL   $615 $430