All posts by cfinnie

An open letter to Republican senators

Dear Senator,

Neither you nor I have a Nobel Prize in economics. But Paul Krugman does. And he says you are wrong about the stimulus. Not just wrong, but dangerously wrong.

You may think both Krugman and I are dangerous commie pinkos. But both of us have been right about the economy. You have not.

If you had been right that tax cuts and the free market can cure all ills, we would not be in the situation we’re in right now. You got your chance to prove your ideas. And they failed. We have all paid for their failure.

Now we are poised to pay again for your stubbornness and stupidity.

When my business fails and I lose my home, I will know who to blame. It will not be Barack Obama. When I am living on the streets instead of enjoying a retirement I worked all my life for, I will know who to blame–the GOP. When my grown son loses his job, as he did in the last recession, and I have no roof to offer him this time, we will know who to blame–you.

Every economist I have read–not just Professor Krugman–agrees that spending is the best thing to do right now. And that tax cuts will return the least to the economy per dollar spent.

But you would rather win than save the country from this disaster. You would rather have Democrats fail than to save us all. And I will not forget it. I will not forget that the GOP lied this country into yet another disaster. That you put party before country. And that you did not care at all for the fate of those you are sworn to represent.

I will not forget, and I will not forgive your betrayal. And if you don’t like “Party First” as a new GOP slogan, I suggest, “Let Them Eat Cake.” It suits you.

Sincerely, Chris in Santa Cruz

I made a commitment to Howard Dean

He asked me to take back the Democratic Party. And I agreed to try. I told myself that, if it became clear there was no chance, I would stop.

It has now become clear. John Burton may have a fine legislative record. I don’t honestly know. But I only had to meet the man for 2 minutes to know he has nothing to do with change we can believe in. And the whole process of crowning him chair smacks of smoke-filled back rooms and the old-boys network.

I no longer feel there is any opportunity for me to help take back the Democratic Party in California. Rather, I believe Burton is poised to take the party back at least several decades. It appears nobody has noticed the grassroots revolution that put Obama in the White House. Or they don’t care. Or, as seems more likely, they are once again saying, “That’s nice kids. Thanks for all the money and help. Now go away and let the adults handle things properly.”

To put it as delicately as I’m able, they can stick that attitude where the sun don’t shine. I was a registered independent before Dean, and I can be one again.

So I have notified the e-board rep for my AD that, despite the fact that I can’t find a way to take myself off the site, I am no longer running for a delegate slot. I will not ask for re-appointment to another standing committee.

I’m sorry Howard, but I did try.