All posts by cstrait

The Happiest Place On Earth: CDP Meeting

(I posted this on the CDP Blog at–which you can comment on or please post here.)

This weekend’s CDP Executive Board Meeting kicks-off today at 5:00pm and runs till Sunday at noon. If you have any specific questions we’ll be checking our blog or you can email me directly at [email protected].

Please check out the full agenda at, but I wanted to share a few of the highlights for this weekend…

Friday, Nov. 16 at 5pm, Public Testimony for Platform Committee
Any registered Democrat is welcome to give official testimony to the Platform Committee.

Book Signings
John W. Dean and Christine Pelosi and will sign their latest books from 6:30pm to 8pm and 8:00pm to 9:30pm respectively.

58-County Strategy
The CDP is dedicated to expanding services provided to local parties and activists for the 2008 election and beyond. The 58 County Strategy revolves around three principles: 1) building local party partnerships; 2) growing and strengthening activism; and 3) running targeted voter contact programs. The services include trainings, voter file access and support for campaign offices. Martha Gamez, CDP Deputy Political Director, will be making a special presentation about the 58-County Strategy at the following times:
? Friday, Nov. 16 at 8pm, Rural/Irish-American Caucus
? Saturday, Nov. 17 at 6:30pm, Computer & Internet Caucus
? Saturday, Nov. 17 at 8pm, California Democratic Council

? Saturday, Nov. 17 from 12:30pm to 5pm-Campaign Skills Training
Sue Burnside and the CDP Political staff will hold a hands-on Campaign Skills Training that covers coalition building and voter contact techniques.
? Saturday, Nov. 17 from the 1:30pm to 3:00pm-Delegate Selection Workshop
The process to run to be an official delegate for the Democratic National Convention Committee can seem overwhelming, but the key to winning at the district level is knowing the rules and developing your own “campaign plan”. CDP staff will review the rules and provide information about how to participate in the delegate selection process.

Standing Committees
The Finance, Leg Action, Voter Services, Organizational Development, and Rules Committees will meet at various times from 3:00pm to 6:30pm on Saturday, Nov. 17. Resolutions Committee will meet from 3:00pm to 6:30pm on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007. Timely resolutions will be considered and recommendations on positions for the Feb. 5 Primary Ballot initiatives will be discussed.

Saturday and Sunday General Sessions
This Executive Board meeting will feature guests speakers: Treasurer Bill Lockyear, Assemblymember Jose Solario, and Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of Presidential Candidate Congressmember Dennis Kucinich. Officer and Committee Reports will also be discussed and voted on during these general sessions.

It Really Is a GOP Steal the State Plot

Today’s filing by California Counts confirms what we knew–the California Republican Party has pumped money into this Steal the State Plot. California Counts first financial report shows that the CRP, in fact, is the largest contributor thus far ($80,000).…

While, $539,000 is a far cry from the millions needed to qualify the initiative, the report does prove that the GOP is seriously trying to quailify it.

Electoral College Part Duex?

(Man, will this thing ever die? – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

This morning the GOP’s Steal the State Electoral College Initiative was put back on the list of petitions being paid for at $2 a signature. With only 6 weeks left, it would be difficult to collect the over 400K signatures needed, but still possible.

Again, I don’t want to be alarmist, but it is a solemn reminder that the Republicans will stop at nothing to make sure we don’t take back the White House.

Please make sure you are on the look out for signature gatherers asking people to sign for the Electoral College Initiative and email [email protected] or call the CDP office (916) 442-5707.