All posts by esquimaux

Can We Afford High Speed Rail?

That was the banner headline on yesterday’s San Jose Mercury News,

with extended coverage here.

Now I’m certain no one else around here reads the Merc. I figured this would at least bring Robert out to discuss.  

Interesting that the online version has the harder-to-criticize title “Who Will Pay For HSR?”

I suppose I can’t really call this a hit piece. The Peninsula NIMBYs were always certain to make trouble, and it would be even worse reporting to cheerlead and ignore that the financing doesn’t add up.

But the first question is the one that leads to the right answer. We can’t afford NOT to do HSR, unless we believe that the infrastructure in place today is adequate for the next 40 or 50 years. Since that’s a ridiculous idea, we have no better choice than finding the money and building the HSR.  

SJ Merc Embarassed

The Merc website is currently running an opinion piece titled Bill, life will change in Hillaryland (free registration required).

The really interesting thing is the byline:

By Joe Blow
San Jose Mercury News

Because what this is, is Maureen Dowd’s syndicated column, dated the 4th on the NYT website, where it’s titled Fireworks for Former First Lady and Future First Lad. Behind firewall of course. That’s why syndicated columns that run in print rarely appear on the Merc website; it obviously would undercut the NYT’s ability to charge for the stuff.

My theory is it has something to do with this:

The newspaper plans to eliminate about 40 of the editorial department’s 240 full-time positions beginning July 2.

Looks to me like a prank by an ex-employee, and someone should have changed the passwords sooner. It’s still up right now but I’m sure it can’t last long. (yes I took screenshots). But I’m telling the blogosphere before I tell either the Merc or NYT. Enjoy!

When is an election not news?

(This is actually a big deal. The decline of the news media as a instrument to better inform the citizenry to make decisions that affect their lives is a serious topic that should concern all of us.

UPDATE: If the Merc won’t report, I will! Right now Kansen Chu is up 63-37… UPDATE II: Chu wins, and he was far and away the more progressive candidate. Chalk another one up. – promoted by dday)

There’s a special election today in San Jose, to fill the city council vacancy in Mayor Chuck Reed’s old seat.

But don’t expect the Merc to tell you about it.

Please look at this diary at dKos today, by SanJoseLady. I don’t mean to rip off her stuff, but I thought Calitics ought to see this.

As she says, today’s dead tree Merc doesn’t mention the election. Nor does their web site.  I went to the Registrar of Voters to confirm that my memory is correct and there is an election.

What’s up with this? IMO, they’re trying to influence the election by not covering it. I’ve felt the Merc has been moving right under its new owners, most especially it has become strongly anti-labor. The anti-union bias on the editorial page has gotten stronger, and the bias is clearly visible in news stories and columns also. I think now, though they’re not crazy enough to endorse the grossly unqualified Repub, they’re trying to reduce the Democratic vote by ignoring the whole thing.