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Gay Rights on the Ballot Bibliography

Cross-posted at DailyKos.

On the “Day Without a Gay”, I took the day off from work where I decided to use my time and skills where I was strongest.  As a librarian I have a knack of finding sources and providing them to the researcher potential of sources.  

So on that day, I headed to a major research library (I work at a community college library that would be limited in resources on what I needed to do), where I would have access to electronic resources, with print sources nearby, if needed.

Already by reading one book and one article, I learned about past Mormon Church activism that defeated the Equal Rights Amendment, but also learned how an anti-gay amendment was defeated in Idaho because the No campaign successfully appealed to Mormons in that state:…

The idea here is if people do their research, they can make golden discoveries.  I believe if activists and a campaign are more information literate, they will be smarter in their outreach, strategies, let alone help the general public become more information literate as well, on the issue of LGBT rights and Marriage Equality.

Campaigning Against Anti-Gay Ballot Initiatives Bibliography

Includes scholarly articles on key population studies, articles on the framing of same sex marriage, impact of anti-gay campaigns, particularly from the 90s to the Present, and other related articles.  There’s also a few articles on closely related, but has the potential of having key insight and are likely worth reading.  This is a ROUGH DRAFT, meaning a future version may be split into sections, let alone other useful journal article citations will likely be added (especially as more articles come out on the Proposition 8 campaign, its impact afterwards, and this year’s earlier California Supreme Court ruling, for example).


Adam, B. D. (2003, Apr.). The Defense of Marriage Act and American Exceptionalism: The “Gay Marriage” Panic in the United States. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 12(2), 259-276. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Agee, C. (2006, Sept.). Gayola: Police Professionalization and the Politics of San Francisco’s Gay Bars, 1950-1968. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 15(3), 462-489. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

All Eyes on California this November. (2008, Sept.). Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, 15(5), 22-23. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost LGBT Life

Amendment 2 and the Denver Post. (1993, Sept. 19). The Denver Post, Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from NewsBank

Andersen, R. & Fenter, T. (2008). Cohort Differences in Tolerance of Homosexuality: Attitudinal Change in Canada and the United States, 1981-2000. Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(2), 311-330. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Oxford University Press Journals

Angle, M. (1994, Oct. 15). Initiatives: Vox Populi or Professional Ploy?. Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 2982-2982. Retrieved Oct. 15, 1994, from EBSCOhost Military & Government Collection

Barrett, J. (2008, Dec. 16). The Age of Ignorance. Advocate, 1021, 4-4.

Bernstein, M. (2002). Identities and Politics: Toward a Historical Understanding of the Lesbian and Gay Movement. Social Science History, 26(3), 531-581. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Brandzel, A. L. (2005). Queering Citizenship?: Same-Sex Marriage and the State. GLQ, 11(2), 171-204. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Broaddus, T. (2000). Vote No If You Believe in Marriage: Lessons from the No On Knight/No On Proposition 22 Campaign. Berkeley Women’s Law Journal, 15, 1-13. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost LGBT Life

Brown, F. (1993, Sept. 19). Amendment 2 Attitudes Unchanged Since the Election. Denver Post, Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from NewsBank

Brumbaugh, S. M., Sanchez, L. A., Nock, S. L., & Wright, J. D. (2008, May). Attitudes Toward Gay Marriage in States Undergoing Marriage Law Transformation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70, 345-359. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Synergy Blackwell Premium

A California Travesty. (1978, Oct. 28).  New Republic, 179, 8-8.

Camp, B. J. (2008). Mobilizing the Base and Embarrassing the Opposition: Defense of Marriage Referenda and Cross-Cutting Electoral Cleavages. Sociological Perspectives, 51(4), 713-733. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Caliber

Campbell, D. E. & Monson, J. Q. (2008). The Religion Card: Gay Marriage and the 2004 Presidential Collection. Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(3), 399-419. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Oxford University Press Journals Online.

Carbado, D. W. (1999). Black Men on Race, Gender, & Sexuality: A Critical Reader. New York: New York University Press.

Carpenter, C. & Gates, G. J. (2008, Aug.). Gay and Lesbian Partnership: Evidence from California. Demography, 45(3), 573-590. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Chan, P. (2008, June). Stonewalling through Schizophrenia: An Anti-Gay Rights Culture in Hong Kong?. Sexuality & Culture, 12(2), 71-87. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost LGBT Life

Chapman, T., Leib, J. I., & Webster, G. (2007). Race, the Creative Class, and Political Geographies of Same Sex Marriage in Georgia. Southeastern Geographer, 47(1), 27-54. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Chauncey, G. (2004). “What Gay Studies Taught the Court”: The Historians’ Amicus Brief in Lawrence v. Texas. GLQ, 10(3), 509-538. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Colorado to Vote on Barring Gay-Rights Laws. (1992, May 24).  New York Times. p. 31-31.

Dailey, J. D. & Farley, P. (1996). Colorado’s Amendment 2: A Result in Search of a Reason. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 20(1), 215-277. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Denike, M. (2007). Religion, Rights, and Relationships: The Dream of Relational Equality. Hypatia, 22(1), 71-91. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Diamond, S. (1994). The Christian Right’s Anti-Gay Agenda. Humanist, 54(4), 32-34. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost LGBT Life

Dickinson, T. (2008, Dec. 11). Same-Sex Setback. Rolling Stone, 45-47. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete

Donovan, T. & Bowler, S. (1997). Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: Opinions on Anti-Gay and Lesbian Ballot Initiatives. In S. L. Witt & S. McCorkle (Eds.), Anti-Gay Rights: Assessing Voter Initiatives (p. 107-126). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Donovan, T. & Bowler, S. (1998, July). Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: An Extension. American Journal of Political Science, 42(3), 1020-1024. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete

Douglas, D. (1997). Taking the Initiative: Anti-Homosexual Propaganda of the Oregon Citizen’s Alliance. In S. L. Witt & S. McCorkle (Eds.), Anti-Gay Rights: Assessing Voter Initiatives (p. 17-32). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Egan, P. J. & Sherrill, K. (2005, Apr.). Marriage and the Shifting Priorities of a New Generation of Lesbians and Gays. PS, Political Science & Politics, 38(2), 229-232. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from ProQuest Research Library

Ehrenreich, B. (2008, Dec. 16). Anatomy of a Failed Campaign. Advocate, 1021, 34-36.

Feigenbaum, E. F. (2007). Heterosexual Privilege: The Political and the Personal. Hypatia, 22(1), 1-9. Retrieved Nov. 9, 2008, from ProQuest GenderWatch

Feltner, T. (2001). Working Anita Bryant: The Impact of Christian Anti-Gay Activism on Lesbian and Gay Movement Claims. Social Problems, 48(3), 411-428. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Caliber

Ferguson, A. (2007). Gay Marriage: An American and Feminist Dilemma. Hypatia, 22(1), 39-57. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Friedman, S. (1993, Oct.). Colorado’s Amendment 2 Blocked. ABA Journal, 79(10), 48-49. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Gajewski, K. A. (2001, Jan.). Civil Liberties Watch. Humanist, 61(1), 38-38. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Garlinger, P. P. (2004). “In All But Name”: Marriage and the Meaning of Homosexuality. Discourse, 26(3), 41-72. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Gerstmann, E. (1999). The Constitutional Underclass : Gays, Lesbians, and the Failure of Class-Based Equal Protection. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Goldberg-Hiller, J. (2004). The Limits to Union : Same-Sex Marriage and the Politics of Civil Rights. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Graff, E. J. (2004).  What is Marriage For? Boston: Beacon Press.

Greenberg, D., Gazmararian, J., & Burke, V. (2008). Marriage Amendment Ballots of 2004: Could State Residents Read Them?. Social Work in Public Health, 23(5), 1-11. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Haworth Press Online

Griffin, H. (2000, Mar.). Their Own Received Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays in Black Churches. Theology & Sexuality: The Journal of the Institute for the Study of Christianity & Sexuality, 12, 88-100. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost LGBT Life

Gross, M. J. (2008, Dec. 16). Pride and Prejudice. Advocate, 1021, 30-33.

Haider-Markel, D. P. & Joslyn, M. R. (2005, Apr.). Attributions and the Regulation of Marriage: Considering the Parallels Between Race and Homosexuality. PS, Political Science & Politics, 38(2), 233-239. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from ProQuest Research Library

Haider-Markel, D. P., Querze, A., & Lindaman, K. (2007). Lose, Win, or Draw? A Reexamination of Direct Democracy and Minority Rights. Political Research Quarterly, 60(2), 304-314. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Oxford University Press Journals

Harder, L. (2007). Rights of Love: the State and Intimate Relationships in Canada and the United States. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 14(2), 155-181. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Herek, G. M. & Capitanio, J. P. (1995). Black Heterosexuals’ Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men in the United States. Journal of Sex Research, 32(2), 95-105. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Herek, G. M. & Gonzalez-Rivera, M. (2006, May). Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among U.S. Residents of Mexican Descent. Journal of Sex Research, 43(2), 122-135. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete

Herek, G. M. (1988, Nov.). Heterosexuals’ Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men: Correlates and Gender Differences.  Journal of Sex Research, 25(4), 451-477. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Hoesly, C. (2005, July). Reforming Direct Democracy: Lessons From Oregon. California Law Review, 93(4), 1191-1248. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete

Howard-Hassmann, R. E. (2001). Gay Rights and the Right to a Family: Conflicts Between Liberal and Illiberal Belief Systems. Human Rights Quarterly, 23, 73-95. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from Project MUSE

Jordan, M. D. (Ed.) (2006).  Authorizing Marriage?: Canon, Tradition, and Critique in the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Joslin, C. G. (1997). Equal Protection and Anti-Gay Legislation: Dismantling the Legacy of Bowers v. Hardwick. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 32(1), 225-247.

Kales, J. (1994, Jan. 28). A Referendum in Maine: Voting on Gay Rights. Commonweal, 7-8. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite

Klein, A. (2005, June 6). Backers of Gay Marriage Bans Finding Success in States. CongressDaily AM, 13-15. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2008, from EBSCOhost Military & Government Collection

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Levin, D. (1997). The Constitution as Rhetorical Symbol in Western Anti-Gay Initiatives. In S. L. Witt & S. McCorkle (Eds.), Anti-Gay Rights: Assessing Voter Initiatives (p. 33-50). Westport, CT: Praeger.

Lewis, G. B. (2003). Black-White Differences in Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights. Public Opinion Quarterly, 67, 59-78. Retrieved Dec. 10, 2008, from Oxford University Press Journals

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Bibliography compiled by norm, librarian.