All posts by soko

Request from MA: Help us fill Scott Brown’s seat with a progressive Democrat!

Everyone knows that Scott Brown’s election to the U.S. Senate was a referendum on health care reform.

(At least, that’s what Michael Steele and the RNC would like us to believe.)

Now, we have the opportunity to provide a counterpoint to this right-wing narrative by electing a progressive, pro-health care reform Democrat to fill Scott Brown’s open seat in the Massachusetts State Legislature. Dr. Peter Smulowitz, an emergency room physician with a master’s degree in health policy, will face Republican Richard Ross in a special election being held on May 11.  

A Democratic win in this district would send a clear message that voters do, in fact, share progressives’ vision of health care reform.  If the Scott Brown win gave Republicans momentum, a Peter Smulowitz victory would be like pulling the emergency brake.

The Massachusetts Republican Party recognizes the symbolic importance of holding onto Scott Brown’s seat, and is pouring money and resources into the Ross campaign. There is no doubt that this will be a tough race for Democrats, but if anyone can win, it’s Peter. In the primary election, Peter–who has never held elected office–defeated a 21-year incumbent State Representative, a feat previously thought impossible by political insiders.

Peter is dynamic, smart, and a great campaigner. If he loses, it will be because he is outspent. Richard Ross ran unopposed in the primary, and has amassed a considerable war chest. Having never run for office, Peter lacks the big donors who come with being entrenched in the political scene.

Can we come together to support Peter?…