I attended San Diego County’s scoping meeting on the Blackwater West project last night. The content of the meeting was pretty typical. They explained the scope of the project, told people about their opportunities for public comment, etc. They did spend about an hour answering questions which was good. Nothing particularly remarkable there.
There were several things I found interesting about the mind set of the county and Blackwater toward the public though.
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First off, about 125 people showed up to protest Blackwater. That’s a strong turnout for so early in this process, and I see that as a good sign. There was a lot of media present too. The other significant presence was the Sheriff’s department. Holy Crow. I don’t know WHAT they thought we were going to do, but it looked like they were preparing for a riot. There were so many officers there. Easily two dozen. Likely more. There were several of them that stood watch in the room during the entire meeting. Not subtle. Not standing in the back. Right in front. They had a street blocked, and the gates shut so we couldn’t get near the building until 15 minutes before the meeting time. We couldn’t park in their lot. THEN we had to go through the metal detector and were searched. That cop probably knows more about what’s in my purse than I do. He opened my sunglasses case, eyeballed my ipod as if it were about to explode, and tried to turn on my dead cell phone. Amazing. In the Tribune today a spokesman said they “erred on the side of caution” but imo, they erred on the side of intimidation. It was very upsetting for a lot of the people who were there.
The other thing that indicated to me that they view the public as their adversary was that when someone asked if anyone from Blackwater was present, no one spoke up. The county workers didn’t say no, but they didn’t say yes either. They just got a “deer in the headlights” look on their faces. However I KNOW at least two people from Blackwater were sitting in the front row. I thought that was extremely odd. Apparently, those of us who want to participate in a public process are very, very scary. When it was over, one of the planners thanked us repeatedly for being “civil”. Sheesh.
Anyway, if you’re interested the Notice of Preperation of the EIR is here and we have until April 27 to make comments on the scope of the plan. This is going to be a loooooong process. They’re anticipating it will go before the Board of Supervisors for approval (or not) in about two years. Between now and then, there will be a number of opportunities for public comment.