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California Democratic Convention: Phil Rocks the House

Live blogging form the Convention in Sacramento (Angelides volunteer)

Phil Angelides arrived at the state convention today to a roaring crowd with chants of “Go Phil Go!”  If the convention vibe is any indication, Phil’s going to take the endorsement this weekend (we really need 60% – so help us out delegates!), and then the primary in June. 

Phil’s the only Democrat who’s had the guts to stick up to the failed policies of the Schwarzenegger administration.  He’s fought for the little guy and has been a leader nationally in fighting corporate corruption.  Recently he led an initiative to disinvest CalSTRS from Sudan. 

He’s fought for education and knows that the only way to solve our budget deficit and fully fund education in California is to raise taxes on the wealthiest 1%, and cut tax loopholes for wealthy corporations (oil companies for example who are currently enjoying record windfall profits).  His proposed tax increase is actually less than what governors Wilson and Reagan did.

Keep refreshing because I’ll be updating from the convention.  Let’s go Phil!