Tag Archives: Registrar of Voters

CA Sec of State Actually Does Job, Gets Slammed for it!

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Newly elected California Secretary of State Debra Bowen GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS!

Read Bowen’s CA Voter Bill of Rights

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Much to the “Elephants” fury, Debra Bowen is doing the job California voters elected her for. They’re attacking her for proving (beyond any shadow of a doubt) that several of the electronic voting systems installed in various California counties are not only vulnerable to EASY hacking, but they simply don’t work. Not only that, cheapskate county clerks and registrars across the state are whining  because they’ll probably have to replace the defective, risky systems they all bought from Diebold, Sequoia, Hart, etc. during the HAVA stampede..

Do you know what kind of voting machines your county uses Ms/Mr California voter? If not, you can find out right HERE (thanks to Bowen’s office for posting this essential information on the Secretary of State’s website – DUH!)

Does your county use these machines?

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or these?

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or perhaps these?

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unethical types could be fiddling with this part of the very machine you vote on:

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So here’s what you need to do fellow Californians:

1) Once you’ve figured out which kind of machine your county uses HERE check to see if it’s on Bowen’s report  HERE.

2) If it is, you need to immediately call your County Clerk or Registrar of Voters who you can find HERE! or on this interactive state map. Tell them to support Debra Bowen’s statewide sweep of hackable voting machines and that you want secure, accurate, verifiable voting systems in your county. These public officials, unlike Congresspersons, rarely hear from constituents so your call can have huge impact on this crucial issue.

3) Then write a letter to your local paper/s using the Courage Campaign’s easy interface.

Remember everyone, the Republican governor has moved our primary to February (2/5/08 to be exact) so that California will have a big impact on the selection of the two major party candidates running for president. By coincidence (irony) CA GOP is busy trying to change our winner-take-all primary system (hmmm why would they want to do that?) Do we want the GOP deciding who our nominee is by fiddling with our voting machines as they continue their decades-long subversion of American democracy?


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Make sure your County Clerk isn’t giving Secretary of State Bowen any resistance as she works to fix the rigged voting machines in our Golden State. Feel free to also send Bowen a message of support!

And remember YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to change this government and this country. Here’s proof!

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SD 34: What the Bleep Happened on Election Day?

(good question – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Yet more problems out of Orange County! This time, there weren’t enough functioning machines at the polling places on Election Day… And to make things worse (and the wait EVEN LONGER), there weren’t enough paper ballots for the voters either! Now while Lou may still be able to win, what would have happened had there were fewer voters in SD 34 who were patient enough to wait in line for several hours in the evening?

Here’s a disturbing video from “Video the Vote” :

Now yes, these individuals were documenting machine meltdowns in Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, and Huntington Beach… Outside SD 34… However, others (including myself) can testify that there were similar problems WITHIN the 34th State Senate District. So why weren’t there enough working machines for all these people to vote? Why weren’t there enough paper ballots to give to voters once the machines broke down? Why were all these voters, especially the working-class people in SD 34 who COULDN’T AFFORD TO SPEND HOURS IN LINE, forced to do just that?

Was this just criminal negligence, or were there more sinister motives to swing the election a certain way? Check out Chris Prevatt’s post on The Liberal OC to see how the Registrar may have violated election law. My goodness, whatever happened, we need new leadership there to make sure that this massive failure NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN! : (