Tag Archives: Sodexho

ASUCD Supports Food Service Workers – Rally This Thursday

(Oops! Sorry that I didn’t notice this earlier. But anyways, best of luck to the UCD food workers! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

As the Aggie reported today, The Associated Students of UC Davis voted 10 to 1 (one abstention due to absence) in favor of supporting the workers of Sodexho in their efforts to become University employees and have the right to unionize. Currently, UCD contracts out food service at the Silo and elsewhere to Sodexho, a private company with a terrible labor record which has fought employee attempts to unionize and to get better wages and benefits all across the country. UC Davis is currently the only University of California still subcontracting out food service to a private company, now that UC Irvine food service workers got recognition as university workers last year.

What is heartening about ASUCD’s vote is that the traditional tactic of trying to play students and workers off against one another – often playing upon class identity – doesn’t seem to be working. Of course, many Sodexho workers are students, which could be one reason for the solidarity. Still, it is great to see, since we all do better, as workers and as citizens, when we stand together and stand up for one another’s rights to a decent wage and to organize.

For those interested in supporting the food service workers, there will be a rally on March 1st, this coming Thursday, meeting at 11 AM at the MU, marching to Mrak Hall, and then rallying in front of Mrak Hall at around 11:45 AM. See you there.


In related labor news, CSU faculty move closer to a strike over the issue of CSU salaries, which lag some 18% below the national average. Given the repeated bonuses and raises given to the regents and administrators, it really is unconscionable for the pay disparity to be so great.

originally at surf putah