Tag Archives: LAUSD Elections

Why I am running for LAUSD BOARD SEAT #7

(Hmmm, a school board candidate making his case to us…
Now that’s what I like to see! ; ) – promoted by atdleft

I wish to be on the School Board to represent the students and teachers in LAUSD. I have a faith in public education and want to see it flourish in this century. In the last fifty years we have slowly becoming a nation of “haves” and “have nots”.  That could have serious social and economic consequences for future generations.  It is only through a strong public school system where a high percentage of young people graduate from high school and continue their education that this trend can be reversed. I pledge not only to fight to preserve and defend public education in LAUSD but to also work diligently to continue the growth we’ve made in the last five years and to continue to work to regain our once illustrious past. I am also against the mayor of Los Angeles attempt to “buy” the Board after he lost in court.  He has enough problems in Los Angeles that he doesn’t need to use the schools as a “whipping boy” in his early run for governor.  I respect many of his ideas, just not his way of bringing about reform. 

When elected, I pledge to:

Work to increase high school graduation rates and ensure equal access to the A to G requirements.

See that those high school graduates who do not wish to attend college have a marketable skill when they leave high school.

Urge the state to make kindergarten compulsory and ensure that all children have an opportunity to attend some type of pre-school.

Attract the best and brightest teachers to our district, even for those hard to staff positions
Ensure an adequate compensation package including both pay and health care to keep veteran teachers from leaving LAUSD.
Eliminate waste and redundancy in the Central and Local Districts; use the savings to reduce class size in both elementary and secondary education.