Tag Archives: Boom Boom Room

WANTED: A Queer Hero to Save a Historic Landmark

Can you help Laguna save its queer soul? Find out more after the flip…

This just in from Save the Boom, the grassroots group that is working to not just save the historic Boom Boom Room in Laguna Beach, but also save Laguna’s queer heritage:

LAGUNA BEACH, CA – SAVE the BOOM!!! (www.savetheboom.com) today announced that it will canvass the globe to find a buyer for the gay landmark Boom Boom Room and the Coast Inn in which it is located.

Yes, you heard them right. They are searching EVERYWHERE for one kind soul who wants to help a community save its soul.

“We will spend as long as it takes, talk to as many people and contact as many companies as we can to try and find a `Knight in Shinning Armor’ to come in and save the day,” said Fred Karger, founder of SAVE the BOOM!!!. We have plenty of gay billionaires and centi-millionaires out there and we will appeal to as many of them as we can for help.

“Laguna Beach has been a gay destination for over 100 years. If the current owner could be persuaded to sell this historic building to a gay buyer, or one of our many friends who will keep it gay, then Laguna Beach will remain a safe and welcoming city to the gay community for the next 100 years.

“Laguna has a long history of strong ties to the gay community. The gay community has shaped Laguna Beach in many ways,” said former Mayor Robert F. Gentry, who was the first openly gay Mayor in the United States and currently serves as Co-Chair of SAVE the BOOM!!!. “Hundreds of gay men and lesbians have served the city in policy positions, volunteers, artists, police officers, residents, and city staff members. Laguna Beach would not be Laguna Beach if it were not, in part, for the gay community. Gay and lesbian visitors have helped to fill the coffers of the City and provide the resources for its safety, its infrastructure, and its identity around the world.”

Since the city council was hesitant to step in and ask the new owner to keep The Boom alive, it really looks like this is our opportunity to save this world-renowned LGBT landmark. For whatever reason, this owner now wants out… And perhaps if the Save the Boom campaign can find a more gay-friendly owner who’s willing to save a piece of Laguna history, then we can all continue to enjoy all the good times at the Boom Boom Room.

If you want to help Save the Boom keep Laguna fabulously queer, please visit their web site and show your support. And if you want to know how to get involved in saving Laguna’s gay heritage, Save the Boom has some great suggestions. : )