Tag Archives: schwarznegger

diary 4 or why i’m willing to give away $1,000 worth of pearls

(edited for space – promoted by SFBrianCL)

i realize that my previous diaries are not complete – i seem gung ho to give away pearls for donations to phil angelides but i haven’t said WHY.

i’d like to explain why i am willing to take merchandise that i would use to support my “family” and give it away.  i’d like to explain WHY it is so important to me that i NEED to give these pearls away!

Please go beneath the fold to try to understand why i would take food from the mouths of my “kids” to change things here in california!  (well, maybe MY mouth, never my kids – so scratch that last comment!)

i don’t HAVE $1,000 to donate to help rid california of arnold schwarzenegger – if i did, i’d give it in a heartbeat!  while i believe that phil angelides is a much better candidate, one who represents what i believe in – my passion doesn’t stop there!  it IS personal – it IS about arnold schwarzenegger – it IS important! 

when arnold schwarzenegger was put up as a candidate in california following the uberrecht campaign to remove gray davis, may women in this state were appalled!  this man has history and none of it is good.  he is an abusive, sexist, powercrazed opportunist and he had his sights set on california (and, hopefully with a little “help” from his friends, the presidency itself!)

schwarzenegger is known throughout california for his sexual abuse toward and on women – from the reporter he groped while asking the unsuspecting victim “are these real”, to the people on the sets of his movies.  his crude remarks, his abusive attitude toward women SHOULD have been enough to keep him from the highest office in this state, but his “appeal” to the young males enamoured of the “terminator” was enough, with the help of the unending coffers of the ultra right and moderate right (looking to retake the governor’s seat) ended up putting this maniac into power.

schwarznegger is placing the coasts of california at risk by slashing funding for the coastal commission, he “negotiated” a settlement with enron that defrauded californians once again of the money they were legally entitled to recover after the energy fraud.

schwarznegger is a close supporter of bush and company, he follows the right agenda UNTIL it is “convenient” to try to sway the gullible fans of “AHNIE” – he is the “ultimate” actor leading our state to ultimate tragedy!

one of his most vile attempts to change california (AND all here electoral votes!) to a “red” state was when he attempted to push through his initiatives after the legislature refused to support his “policies”.  he tried to ram these initiatives through based on his “popularity” by wasting millions in a special election held only a few months before a REGULAR primary election.  all initiatives failed soundly and he had to retreat into this “moderate” cloak to wait for another opportunity to destroy the democratic base in california.

in short (or NOT so short), schwarznegger is dangerous not ONLY to california, but to ALL of america because of the number of california’s 55 electoral votes.  if you have any doubt as to how dangerous this man is, look no further than texas and the redistricting that changed the makeup of democratically held districts into solid, unbeatable republican ones!

so, back to my original premise… why would i give away two strands of pearls worth close to $1,000?  it is simple!  i CARE about california and i CARE about america – and i am worried sick what could happen in this state if this manipulative foil of the right wing gets into office for a longer term!

frankly, while schwarzenegger and the uberreicht scare the sh*t out of me, phil angelides offers HOPE!  therefore, i am willing to put my “money” where my mouth is and offer up an incentive to help phil angelides combat the well-greased machine of the uberrecht and the uber rich!

we need to protect our solid bases of electoral votes – if we don’t, then, forget about 2008 – as a matter of fact, forget about the america you once knew.  we are ALL cooked if we let the extremists get their pawns into place without realizing we are way too close to “checkmate”!  america is at a crossroads – what we do now – RIGHT now – will determine the course this nation takes for the rest of her history.  we can either fight to save our nation, or we can prepare to live in a world that we could never imagine, even pictured by  the worst of the cold war doomssayers!

for me? i’m doing what i can.  all i CAN do right now is offer these strands of pearls and hope that they might make a small difference for my future, your future and the future of this entire nation!

hopefully this explains why i am doing this – if not, well, i don’t know what else i can say!

here is the link to the angelides campaign’s donation page.  the “contest” rules are simple.  donate.  any amount.  send me an email and you are eligible for a drawing for one strand.  the highest donor during the period between last friday and this friday at 8pm will get the strand with the 14k gold clasp that appraises at a minimum of $500.

please help me make a difference!  please help phil angelides save california AND the rest of this nation – because if he loses, california will be at the mercy of those who want to steal our electoral votes and our democracy – and they WILL get them – by hook or by crook (most LIKELY, the latter)!

Rice Pearls w/14k clasp and leather box

with hat held out, i am here begging – but not for me!
Pearls for Phil Angelides… Part TWO…
Daytime Edition: Win Pearls by donating to Phil Angelides! Part III