If there was any doubt that we would get a barnburner on unity tonight from Hillary Clinton, put that to bed. The California delegation went crazy for Clinton, waving Hillary signs that were distributed just ahead of Chelsea’s introduction and even holding a few homemade signs like “18 million cracks”. Obama/Hillary/Unity signs are spreading through now.
A few quotes out of the gates:
“The time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose.”
“This is a fight for the future and it’s a fight we must win together.”
“You haven’t endured the past eight years to suffer through more failed leadership.”
“Barack Obama is my candidate and he must be our president.”
Update This is a great mix of unification and reaching out to Clinton supporters who may be any measure of disaffected. She just finished and the crowd, at least here in California (I can’t see or hear any further) is insane. Signs and standing ovation as far as I can see. A few more great lines from an excellent speech:
“Were you in it for the marine…Were you in it for that mom…Were you in it for that young boy…Were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?
“The genius of America has always depended on the strength and vitality of the middle class.”
“Democrats know how to do this. As I recall, we did it before with President Clinton.” (no idea what came after this, it was deafening)
“It makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities because these days they’re awfully hard to tell apart.”
“My daughter got to vote for her mother for president. This is the story of America.”
“Keep going. Don’t ever stop, keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”
“We’re Americans, we’re not big on quitting.”
“We need to get going by electing Barack Obama.”
So that’s day two and I’m exhausted and grinning ear to ear. Dave will be here tomorrow.
Update Final update before a pass out cold. Walking out from the floor after the Clinton speech, there were obviously media folks running around everywhere. And they were bolting exclusively for Hillary delegates, people with Hillary signs, etc. And they were ALL pushing essentially the same question: “That was really good and all, but is there really unity? I mean, really really unity?” This is crap. Tonight should pretty much put this meme to bed. There may be holdout PUMAs running around here and there, but the lesson from tonight from Clinton herself is that those people aren’t the ones who were every really committed to the Democratic party and its ideals to start with. And those aren’t people who are relevant to the party going forward. People can vote however they want to vote, but if they were in it because of the principles that drove the Clinton campaign, then they’d be with Obama now. There’s no equivocation from anyone on that stage tonight.
As far as Clinton, Obama ,and the Democratic party are concerned, the issue is done.